
Results for Veterans Memorial

Stratford Veterans Memorial

In recognition and appreciation

for the service given by

members of the Armed Forces

from Stratford during times of

national crisis

[ Front face ]

Libya • Grenada • Lebanon • Iraq • Bosnia • Saudi Arabia • Afghanistan • Persian Gulf • Haiti ...

Miami County Veterans Memorial


Dedicated to those who serve

[Honor Roll of Names]

Marker is at the intersection of Baptiste Drive and Hospital Drive, on the right when traveling west on Baptiste Drive.


High Point Veterans Memorial

This memorial is dedicated to the memory and honor of those who have served bravely in our Armed Forces in both times of war and in times of peace.

May 30, 2005

World War I • World War II • Korean War ...

Birmingham Iron Foundry Veterans Memorial

[ Right tablet ]

Roll of Honor

Employees Of

Birmingham Iron Foundry

Who Served Their Country

In the World War

1917 – 1919

Dominick Ferrazzoli • J. Kanconvitch • August Romagnoli • Theodore V. Busk • Joseph Scarpa • ...

Elm Street School Veterans Memorial

[Marker Front]: To The Memory

Of These Pupils of The

Elm Street School

Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice

For Their Country During

The World War

This Monument Is Dedicated

William F. Bresnahan

18th. Inf. 1st. Div,

Killed at Meuse – Argonne ...

VFW Post 3097 Veterans Memorial

Remembering all veterans and their unfailing love of country; loyalty to its institutions and ideals; eagerness to defend it against all enemies; undivided allegiance to the flag; and a desire to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity.

Marker ...

Pike County Veterans Memorial

In memory of

all veterans from

Pike County who served

All Gave Some

Some Gave All

Thanks to those who made this dream reality

To Honor Those Who Gave So Much


Justin R. McCoy

Daniel T. Morris

James M. Puckett


Earl Duncan

Jimmy James

Everett D. (Butch) Keaton

Robert Lemaster

Charles E. Miller

Michael Noel

Clarence ...

Mount Kisco Veterans Memorial

Korean War Plaque [ far left panel ]

1950 – 1953

The Village of Mount Kisco


The Men and Women

Of This Community

Who Served In

The United States

Armed Forces

During The

Korean War

World War I Plaque [ left ...

Wood River Veterans Memorial

This memorial is presented in honor of the men and women, past, present and future, of the Armed Forces of the United States of America in remembrance of their efforts and sacrifices to preserve our freedom.

We thank, also, our ...

Folsom Veterans Memorial

The Folsom Veterans Memorial honors those brave individuals who serve our country and those who have fallen in service to our country. The memorial is composed of several distinct elements.

The Flag Court pays homage to all those who have served ...
