
Results for D T

Discovery Point

On the back of a mule, the gold prospector, John Hillman, became the first European American to stumble across what he called the “Deep Blue Lake”.

In the spring of 1853, eleven miners from Yreka, California, stopped for supplies at Isaac ...

UNESCO World Heritage Site- Temple of Preah Vihear

Situated on the edge of a plateau that dominates the plain of Cambodia, the Temple of Preah Vihear is dedicated to Shiva. The Temple is composed of a series of sanctuaries linked by a system of pavements and staircases over ...

Cleetwood Cove Trail

Cleetwood Cove Trail is one of the only trails that leads directly to the water. Believe it or not, the water in Crater Lake is cleaner than the water that pours from your faucet at home. That’s because roughly 83% ...

Dutton Cliff

In 1885, accompanied by a friend, J.M. Breck, William Gladstone Steel, who would later become known as “the Father of Crater Lake,” took the Oregon & California Railroad to Medford, where he caught a stagecoach to Fort Klamath. The two ...

Staircase Road

In 1890, Lieutenant Joseph P. O'Neil led the first exploratory expedition across the entire southern stretch of the Olympic Mountains. His group of soldiers and scientists surveyed the watersheds and peaks of nine rivers and their tributaries. They cut a ...

Sunshine Point Campground

During the Depression the NPS continued to define park visitors as all those people who visited the park for pleasure. The actual number of people in the park was considerably higher as hundreds of men came to work in emergency ...

White River Wilderness Information Center

Mount Rainier National Park maintains active relations with six Indian tribes located in its vicinity: the Nisqually, Puyallup, Squaxin Island, Muckleshoot, Yakama, and Cowlitz. All but the Cowlitz trace their modern tribal identity to one or more of three treaties ...

Puget Sound

About 5,600 years ago the summit and northeast face of Mount Rainier fell away in a massive landslide accompanied by volcanic explosions. The Osceola Mudflow, a towering wall of mud and rock, thundered down the White River Valley where it ...

UNESCO World Heritage Site- Elephanta Caves

The 'City of Caves', on an island in the Sea of Oman close to Bombay, contains a collection of rock art linked to the cult of Shiva. Here, Indian art has found one of its most perfect expressions, particularly the ...

Sidney Yates Building (Auditors Building Complex)

The structure now known as the Sydney Yates Building began its life as the Auditors Building Complex and was originally home to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Established in 1861, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing quickly outgrew its ...
