
Results for Veterans Memorial

Ansonia Veterans Memorial

Dedicated By

The Grateful

Citizens Of


To The Memory

Of Those Who

Served In Our

Armed Forces

In All Wars Of

The United States

Especially To Those

Who Made The

Supreme Sacrifice

For The Glory Of

Our Nation

Dedicated Nov, 11, 1959

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street and ...

Branford Veterans Memorial

In Memory of Those Who Served

Those Who Were Disabled In Service

And Those Who Gave Their Lives In

World War II and the Korean Conflict


Marker is on Main Street near Town Hall Drive, on the right when traveling north.


Veterans Memorial Monument

Dedicated to the

men and women

of Oneida County

who served,

and especially to

those who gave

their lives so that

we could be


Dedicated May 26, 1980


Marker is on Oneida Avenue south of Davenport Street, on the left when traveling south.


East Haven Veterans Memorial

This Tribute

To The Worth of Her Sons

Who Have By Land and Sea

Offered Their Lives In Defense of Their Country

Is Erected by The Citizens of East Haven

Dedicated 1911

Rededicated 1990

By East Haven Historical Society and

Economic Development Commission

[ west side ]

American Revolution, 1775-83

Nathan ...

Colleton County Veterans War Memorial

Short and tall, rich and poor,

black and white, farmer and

shopkeeper - they came from

every walk of life. The men and

women of Colleton County have

always answered the call to

defend the flag and protect

our freedom.

They have done this without

hesitation ...

Brewster Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to All From

Brewster / Southeast

Who Served in the Armed Forces

Of the United States of America

During Time of Conflict

September 30, 2007

Designed by John Degnan and John Folchetti


Denis Castelli – Chairman

Thomas Acerno • Todd Atkinson • Amy Campanaro • ...

Tuscaloosa County Veterans Memorial

Provided by local veterans and other dedicated citizens, this memorial pays tribute to all veterans of Tuscaloosa County who were engaged in the nine major American wars, 1776-1976. Rising centrally is the mainmast of World War II heavy cruiser USS ...

Fairfield County Veterans Service Commission Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to all Veterans

Past and Present

Who Served in the

US Military

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (U.S. 22) and Pearl Avenue, on the left when traveling east on Main Street.


Amanda Veterans Memorial

In honor of

all the men and women

who served our country

in the military


in memory of

all the men and women

who gave the ultimate sacrifice

for our country

You will always be remembered

Dedicated Nov. 11, 2005

Marker is on Main Street near Johns Street, on the ...

Hilton Head Island Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to all veterans who have served their country honorably,

and have helped preserve the freedoms that we enjoy in this great country.

From A Grateful Nation

Marker is on Shelter Cove Lane near Mall Boulevard, on the right when traveling south.

Courtesy ...
