Site of Original Cash Store

Constructed 1876

Home of U.S. Land Office

Henry Booth Receiver

Marker is at the intersection of Broadway (U.S. 56) and 9th Street, on the left when traveling north on Broadway.


Alexandria in the Civil War

Alexandria in the Civil War

“Alexandria is ours,” declared Col. Orlando Wilcox of the 1st Michigan Vol. Inf. as his regiment captured the city on the morning of May 24, 1861. When Virginia's vote of secession became effective, Union forces ...

Carter House

Built 1830 by Fountain Branch Carter, and in use by three generations of his family. Here was command post of Maj. Gen. Jacob D. Cox, Federal field commander of Schofield's delaying action. The hottest fighting took place just east and ...



Cannon displayed along the southeast parapet are replicas of original garrison 12 and 18 pounder muzzleloading cannon reported in the fort in 1780. Although capable of firing up to 2,000 yards (the river shoreline is between 900 and 1,400 ...

Chollar Mine

First located in 1859, the Chollar was consolidated with the Potosi in 1865. As the Chollar-Potosi, it was one of the leading producers on the Comstock. The Nevada Mill was erected here in 1887 to process low-grade Chollar ore. It ...

Opdycke's Bridgade

Col. Emerson Opdycke's Federal brigade was positioned in this area 150 yards north of the Carter House, east and west of Columbia Pike. Without orders, the Federal brigade attacked a portion of Cleburne's and Brown's Confederate divisions after they had ...

New Hope World War I Memorial


Honor Roll

Dedicated to the Citizens of New Hope<br<

who answered the call

1917 - World War - 1918

* Edgar H. Denison *

[Column 1:]

Edward A. Austin • Arthur Case • J. Warren Caulton • Joseph C. ...

Lieut. General James Longstreet

1st Corps Headquarters

Army of Northern Virginia

1st Corps Headquarters

Lieut. General

James Longstreet



Major Genl. Lafayette McLaws

Major Genl. George E. Pickett

Major Genl. John B. Hood

July 1,2,3,4,5. 1863

These Headquarters were located at a

school ...

Indian Logan

In the 1820s a ten foot tall Native American weathervane was crafted of heavy sheet iron by Samuel Cooper and painted by Joseph Moon. It was paid for by private subscriptions from townspeople. The Logan Inn erected it on February ...

Gloucester Agricultural and Industrial School

On this site stood the Gloucester Agricultural and Industrial School, commonly known as Capahosic Academy, a private high school built for African Americans before public high schools were available to them. Founded in 1888 by local alumni of Hampton Institute ...
