
Results for Veterans Memorial

Easley Veterans Memorial


To our military men and women, past and present, your commitment, service and sacrifice will be remembered and appreciated forever.


The nation which forgets its defenders will itself be forgotten.

Calvin Coolidge


Marker is on North 1st Street.


Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War Memorial

A Memorial to Our Fathers

[Dedicated] June 19, 1928

Marker is at the intersection of Broad Street and Main Street (U.S. 22), on the right when traveling north on Broad Street.


Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9473 War Memorial

Prisoners of War

Missing in Action

Never Forgotten

"He who sheds his blood

with me will always be

my brother


1941 - 1945

Dedicated to the over

6 million men and women

who answered their nation's

call on December 7, 1941

"A date which will live in infamy."

Franklin D. Roosevelt

December 8, ...

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9473 Veterans Memorial

This tank is dedicated to

All American Veterans

Army • Navy • Air Force • USMC

Coast Guard

For all the men and women who fought and those who died for the freedom of our country, and the POW-MIA's who are still not accounted ...

Vinton County Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to the veterans

of Vinton Co. who honorably

served and to those who

gave their lives in the

service of our country.

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (U.S. 50) and Market Street (Ohio Route 93), on the right when traveling east ...

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3496 Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to Veterans

of All U.S.A. Wars

November 11, 1993

"For history does not long

entrust the care of freedom

to the weak or the timid"

Dwight Eisenhower

Dedicated Nov. 11, 2009

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (Ohio Route 310) and Front Street, on the ...

Madison County Veterans' Memorial

[[ Panel - - W. W. I - “A - Z” ]]

In memory of Madison County Veterans

who paid the Supreme Sacrifice

in W. W. I

[ Row One ]

Carl Abel • Sim Anderson • Henry Auler • Clarence Austin • ...

Boone County Veterans Memorial

* * * World War I * * *

1917 —— 1918

Battle Deaths: 53,402

* * * World War II * * *

1941 —— 1945

Battle Deaths: 291,557

* * * Korean War * * *

1950 —— 1953

Battle Deaths: 33,741

* * * Vietnam War ...

Tuscarawas County Viet-nam Veterans Memorial

1959 - 1975

“To those who survived, we are grateful and welcome you home.”

“To those who still suffer, either in mind or body, we acknowledge it and appreciate what you've done for us and we will not forget.”

“For those who are ...

Jasper County Veterans Memorial

The Plaque was mounted on 1928 WW I Monument. This monument is dedicated to the Veterans of the United States of America, July 4, 1994. Honoring Jasper County Men who served in the World War.

Marker is at the intersection of ...
