In this vicinity a small African-American settlement grew ...
Louisburg Veterans Memorial
Dedicated to the honor
and sacrific...
New Hope Mills
In 1790 Benjamin Parry, who owned mills on both the New Je...
Here is Cappahosic, where a ferry was established early in...
Sullivan Expedition Against the Iroquois Indians
Heller's Tavern The end of the day's march Ju...
Solebury National Bank
This structure, now the Solebury National Bank Building, w...
Slaves Cabins
At the Edge between Two Worlds
You are standing at...
The Spirit of Wheaton
[This historical mural depicts the] Graeves Home, 1922; Li...
Centre Bridge
So named as it lies about midway between La...
Mother Colony House
First house built in Anaheim, 1857, by George Hanson, foun...
In this vicinity a small African-American settlement grew from ten acres of land given to Jane Carroll by her owner, Dennis Johnston, before 1856. Jane's son, George, acquired an additional 121 acres from Johnston's heirs in 1899 and 1903. In ...
Louisburg Veterans Memorial
Dedicated to the honor
and sacrifice of our
men and women
who served our country
in war and peace
[Honor Roll]
November 11, 1996
New Hope Mills
In 1790 Benjamin Parry, who owned mills on both the New Jersey and Pennsylvania sides of the Delaware River, lost his mills in Pennsylvania to fire. He rebuilt them and named them "New Hope Mills", commencing operation with new and ...
Here is Cappahosic, where a ferry was established early in the eighteenth century. On the old charts, this Indian district lay between Werowocomoco and Timberneck Creek. Powhatan is said to have offered it to Capt. John Smith for "two great ...
Sullivan Expedition Against the Iroquois Indians
Heller's Tavern The end of the day's march June 18, 1779 Distance 12 miles
Marker is on South Broadway (Pennsylvania Route 512) 0.3 miles north of Male Road (County Road 1028), on the left when traveling north.
Solebury National Bank
This structure, now the Solebury National Bank Building, was originally the Delaware House built to accommodate travelers using the new (1814) covered bridge that hastened the demise of the river Ferry Service ...
Marker is at the intersection of Bridge ...
Slaves Cabins
At the Edge between Two Worlds
You are standing at the edge of two worlds. You are leaving the world of the owner and entering the world of the slave.
The cabin ruins before you are a vivid testament to ...
The Spirit of Wheaton
[This historical mural depicts the] Graeves Home, 1922; Lieshner Radio Repair, 1948; Little Tavern Cafe, 1950; Hickerson Station & Store, 1925; Getty Farm, 1912.
Design and Art Work [by The] Maryland College of Art and Design, Edward Glynn, President. Artists: ...
Centre Bridge
So named as it lies about midway between Lambertville and Lumberville.
This bridge is located at the site of a ferry operated about the year 1700 by Colonel John Reading who owned the land on the New Jersey side ...
Mother Colony House
First house built in Anaheim, 1857, by George Hanson, founder "The Mother Colony", group selecting name given settlement. This German group left San Francisco to form grape growing colony. Southern California Vineyards became largest in California until destroyed, 1885, by ...