
Results for Batteries E

Chapman’s, Jackson’s, and Lurty’s Virginia Batteries


Protecting much of the Confederate army were seven artillery pieces, all of which were placed above the highway. Both smoothbore and rifled cannon were present and blocked efforts by the Union army to advance up the main road. However, the ...

Batteries B & L, Second U.S. Artillery

First Brigade - Horse Artillery - Cavalry Corps

Army of the Potomac

Cavalry Corps

First Brigade Horse Artillery

Batteries B & L Second U.S. Artillery

Six 3 inch Rifles

Lieut. Edward Heaton Commanding

July 2 Arrived at 5.30 A.M. In ...

Two Batteries in one

Battery Harker and Battery Arnold share the continuous 750 foot long parapet wall. Battery Harker (right) contains three 10-inch gun emplacements and Battery Arnold (left) has three 12-inch gun emplacements.

A protective earthwork, the parados, was built behind the gun emplacements ...

Batteries Hentig and Dodd

The 1890s modernization continued

By the turn of the century, Fort Delaware had become part of a coastal defense system, linking Fort Mott in New Jersey and Fort Dupont in Delaware. Batteries* Hentig and Dodd, which each housed two rapid-fire guns, ...

Batteries H and M, 4th U.S. Artillery / Battery H, 5th U.S. Arti

(Front):4th U.S. Artillery

Batteries "H" and "M"

Captain John Mendenhall.

5th Div. (Crittenden)

5th U.S. Artillery

Battery "H"

Captain Wm. R. Terrill.

2nd. Div. (McCook)

Army of the Ohio.

(Back):These batteries were engaged

near here from about 9 a.m.

to 1.30 p.m. April 7, 1862.


3 killed, 19 wounded, total 22.

Marker is ...

Ruggles' Batteries

After six hours of bloody fighting here, it became evident that Confederate infantry alone would not break the strong Union defenses along the Sunken Road and the thickets beyond. Toward late afternoon, Brig. Gen. Daniel Ruggles brought forward eleven batteries ...
