
Results for Battlefield Landmark

National Historic Landmark- Palo Alto Battlefield

National Historic Landmark- Palo Alto Battlefield

Here, on May 8, 1846, 2,300 U.S. Army soldiers led by Brig. Gen. Zachary Taylor engaged 3,300 Mexican troops under the command of Maj. Gen. Mariano Arista in the first of two important battles of ...

National Historic Landmark- Palmito Ranch Battlefield

National Historic Landmark-Palmito Ranch Battlefield

The battle at Palmito Ranch was the last of the Civil War, fought a month after Lee's surrender. With the defeat, the Confederates lost their access to trade with Mexico and Europe through ships anchored in ...

National Historic Landmark - Five Forks Battlefield

This battle, on April 1, 1865, has been called the Waterloo of the Confederacy. Union troops under Philip Sheridan's command defeated the Confederates under General George Pickett, who had been sent to protect the Southside Railroad, Robert E. Lee's last ...

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National Historic Landmark- Attu Battlefield

Attu was the site of the only World War II battle fought in North America. Its occupation by Japanese troops marked the peak of Japan's military expansion in the North Pacific.

Its recapture by Americans in 1943 was costly for both ...

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National Historic Landmark - Cedar Creek Battlefield & Belle Grove Plantation

General Philip Sheridan defeated Confederate General Jubal Early at Cedar Creek on October 19, 1864, climaxing the struggle for the Shenandoah Valley. Belle Grove, built by James Madison's brother-in-law Isaac Hite, Jr. between 1794-1797 as the center of his 7.500 ...

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National Historic Landmark - Ball's Bluff Battlefield & National Cemetery

In October 1861, to quiet his critics, Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan ordered Union troops stationed along the Potomac between Edwards Ferry and Harper's Ferry to make "a slight demonstration" and draw out the Confederate force based in Leesburg. The ...

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A Battlefield Landmark

The Thomas J. West house stood as a prominent part of the battlefield scene—a goal for attacking Confederates and a landmark along the Union line. Most of the fresh Federal troops marching to the front on July 1 moved past ...

Battlefield Landmarks - South and West

July 3, 1863 - Third Day

"...the enemy is advancing. Every eye could see the legions, an overwhelming resistless tide of an ocean of armed men sweeping upon us!"

1st Lt. Frank A. Haskell, U.S.A.

Aide to Brig. Gen. John Gibbon

You are standing ...

Battlefield Landmarks - West and North

July 3, 1863 - Third Day

"...The whole plain was covered with unarmed rebels, waving coats, hats, and handkerchiefs in token of a wish to surrender."

Lt. Col. Franklin Sawyer, U.S.A.

8th Ohio Infantry

You are standing at the Union position on Cemetery Ridge, ...

Battlefield Landmarks - South and West

"Being satisfied from the reports received from the field that it was the intention of the enemy to support with his whole army the attack already made, and the reports of Major-Generals Hancock and Howard on the character of the ...
