
Results for Campsite

British Campsite

For a week following the Battle of Monmouth, the main British Army under Gen. Sir Henry Clinton spread its encampment both sides of this road while awaiting transport from Sandy Hook. They embarked for New York July 5, 1778.

Marker is ...

Campsite of The Army of Louis XVI, King of France

Commanded by

General de Rochambeau

during their march

to victory

at Yorktown

August 31, 1781

Marker is at the intersection of Stockton Street and Bayard Street on Stockton Street.


Provost Guard Campsite

The 3rd Wisconsin and the 107th New York Regiments, having been detailed for provost duty, encamped on this square, November 22-25, 1864. The State Arsenal on the north side of the square was burned. The magazine, which stood on the ...

Cobb's Quarter, Sherman's Campsite

Marching toward Milledgeville via Covington, Shady Dale and Eatonton Factory, the Union Army's 14th Corps reached this crossroad on the night of November 22, 1864. General Sherman camped at the Howell Cobb place, a few yards north of this point. ...

Indian Campsite

The finding of knives, net sinkers, arrowpoints, scrapers and chips, indicates that the level ground in front of you was used as a campsite by Indians while on hunting and fishing expeditions. Additional artifacts, that were found here and throughout ...

Sacandaga Public Campsite

1885 - 1935


Sacandaga Public Campsite.

One of the First Two Built

On Forest Preserve Land In

1920 by the Conservation

Dept. For Public Recreation.

Marker can be reached from State Highway 30.


“Camp Fisher” Civil War Campsite

The 2nd & 11th Mississippi Infantry Regt’s. (C.S.A.) camped here from Oct 1861 to Mar 1862. They named their camp in observance of the 6th North Carolina’s Camp Fisher (1 Mile to the NW). The 6th N.C. was the first ...

British Campsite

For a week following the Battle of Monmouth, the main British Army under Gen. Sir Henry Clinton spread its encampment both sides of this road while awaiting transport from Sandy Hook. They embarked for New York July 5, 1778.

Marker is ...

U.S. 17th Infantry Campsite

River Raisin Battlefield 1813

Elements of the U.S. 17th Infantry were camped in an open field just north of here when the British and Indians launched their surprise counterattack at dawn, January 22, 1813. The Americans held their ground here ...

Karankawa Campsite

In this area is one of several known Karankawa campsites or burial grounds. Now extinct, the nomadic Indians lived along the Texas coast, depending on the Gulf for survival. In 1528 they aided Spanish explorer Cabeza de Vaca, but resisted ...
