
Results for Cannon

The Bastion Cannons

Bastion Square

You are standing at the entrance to Bastion Square

Bastion Square is a legacy of Fort Victoria whose two log towers or “Bastions” were located near here.

The Hudson’s Bay Company, which remains as a store across the street, built the ...

8 in. Columbaid Cannon

This 8 in. Columbaid, cast of Alabama iron by the Confederates at Selma, Ala. was mounted in Spanish Fort, Mobile Bay.

The Fifth Company Slocomb's Battery Battalion Washington Artillery of New Orleans, during the siege of that fort by the ...

Ten - Inch Smooth Bore Columbaid Cannon

This cannon and its mate

to the left have been

identified as two-thirds

of Fort Sumter's "Three Gun

Battery" of October, 1863.

Marker is on East Battery Street near Murray Boulevard, on the left when traveling north.


Crimean War Cannons

These cannon were used at the seige of Sebastopol, and were brought to this country after the capture of that city by the British in 1855. Sir John Carling was instrumental in procuring these three pieces for this city. This ...

Civil War Cannons Rededicated - Restoration

Brazil - Clay County, Indiana

These Civil War Cannons

were Rededicated after

Restoration by the

American Legion Post #2

Brazil, Indiana

on May 30th, 1998 by

Commander Thomas W. Owen

Marker is at the intersection of East National Avenue and South Harrison Street, on the left when traveling ...

Spanish Cannon

From Cottabatto,

Mindanao, P.I.

Made in 1791

Donated to

Meigs County by

Gen. S. W. Fountain, U.S.A.

May 30, 1925

Marker is at the intersection of 2nd Street and Mulberry Avenue, on the left when traveling east on 2nd Street.


The Two Cannons


The two cannons displayed in front of the Powder Magazine are Revolutionary-War era pieces that were found in the Charleston area. Referred to as field guns, the weapons would have been mounted on wheeled carriages for greater mobility.

Each ...

Ten - Inch Smooth Bore Columbaid Cannon

This cannon and its mate

to the left have been

identified as two-thirds

of Fort Sumter's "Three Gun

Battery" of October, 1863.

Marker is on East Battery Street near Murray Boulevard, on the left when traveling north.


Defending the Cannon

5th Maine Battery

Picture Longstreet's advance - gray lines of Confederates as far as you can see, driving Ohio troops from the rail fence across the field toward this position. Here four gun crews from Maine were trying to load and ...

These Cannon Were Abandoned

These cannon

were abandoned


Fort Independence

(Castle William)

by the

British forces

when they evacuated


City of Boston

March 17, 1776

Marker is on Garden Street, on the right when traveling west.

