
Results for Confederate Cemetery

Shelby Springs Confederate Cemetery

"Old Soldiers Grave Yard"

The Confederate Army established a soldier's home and hospital here (1863-1865) as a part of the CSA Camp Winn Training Site. Father Leray and the Sisters of Mercy staffed the hospital after fleeing Civil War destruction in ...

Confederate Cemetery

Fallen Heroes of Laurel Hill

Within this fenced burial ground lie Confederate soldiers who died at Laurel Hill. Their number is unknown. Inscribed headboards once marked the graves.

During the Civil War, disease killed more men than bullets. One soldier reported 14 ...

Confederate Cemetery

Originally the site of a pioneer cemetery, many early residents are buried here. In 1866, returned Confederate soldiers, under the leadership of Maj. William Hume and David Lawrence, collected and reinterred here the bodies of soldiers who fell at isolated ...

Confederate Cemetery Resaca

Established shortly after the war by Miss Mary J. Green & Associates for burial of Confederate soldiers who fell at the battle of Resaca.

May 14, 1864, Maj. Gen. A. P. Stewart´s Div., Hood´s A. C. (rt. Of Johnston´s line) [CS], ...

Confederate Dead Monument - Thornrose Cemetery

West Panel:

Honor to the Brave

870 Lie Here

Recorded by Name, Company & Regiment:


Virginia 385, N. Carolina 176, S. Carolina 59,

Georgia 208, Alabama 49, Florida 8,

Mississippi 11, Louisiana 19, Tennessee 12,

Arkansas 20, Texas 3,

And 207

Recorded by Name Only

Confederate Dead

South Panel:

“There is True ...

Kittrell Confederate Cemetery

Hospital to Graveyard

Fifty-four Confederate soldiers from Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia are buried here. They died at General Hospital Number One, Kittrell Springs in the former Kittrell Springs Hotel owned by Maj. Charles C. Blacknall and his brother. ...

Confederate Cemetery

Graves of 52 soldiers,

individually marked, who

died in the Kittrell

Springs Hotel hospital,

1864-65, are ½ mi. NE.

Marker is at the intersection of U.S. 1 and Main Street, on the left when traveling south on U.S. 1.


Scottsville Confederate Cemetery

In memory of the soldiers who died in the Confederate General Hospital in Scottsville


Beattie, F.M. Co. H 23 NC

Boyle, Andrew Co. D 41 VA

Brashear, Denis P. Co. E 4 AL

Clark, Henry Co. E 15 AL

Clark, Hosey L. Co. F 2 ...

Woodlawn Cemetery Confederate Memorial

(Confederate Battle Flag)

1861 - 1865

C * S * A

Sacred to

The Memory of

The Soldiers of


Marker can be reached from Noland Rolad, on the right when traveling north.


Washington Confederate Cemetery

The State of Maryland has provided this cemetery, and erected this monument, to perpetuate the memory of the Confederate dead, who fell in the Battles of Antietam and South Mountain.

The State of Virginia, has contributed toward the burial of her ...
