
Results for Elton

City of Shelton Emergency Services Memorial

City Of Shelton

In Memory Of

Our Departed Emergency Services Members

Who Have Given Their Lives In The Line Of Duty

While Protecting the Lives and Property of Our Citizens

Shelton Fire Department Daniel E. Wannagot 1991

Shelton Police Department William E. Rich ...

Shelton Pioneers

This Boulder is dedicated to the early pioneers of the community of Shelton, in recognition of their heroic services in establishing and protecting this town and in risking their lives that Shelton might be secure.

In memory of La Belle ...

Greenville & Columbia RR / Belton

Greenville & Columbia RR

The Greenville & Columbia Railroad, founded in 1845, began construction in 1849. It reached Greenville in 1853, with a branch at this point to Anderson - the Blue Ridge Railroad. The town of Belton grew up ...

Shelton World War II Memorial

World War II

In Memory Of

Those Who Died In Service

Louis J. Beatrice • Anthony Bilotto • Dante A. Buccelly • Louis J. Cuda • John J. Donovan, Jr. • William Dziadik • Francis D. Fraser • Thomas ...

Belton / Historic Belton


The Tennis Capital of South Carolina

Tennis Anyone?

Long know as the Tennis Capital of South Carolina, Belton's tennis history can be traced back over 110 years. An 1892 edition of the Anderson Intelligencer stated, "The young men of Belton are happy. ...

The Braselton Family

In 1876 William H. Braselton, Sr. and his wife, Susan Hosch Braselton, established a 796-acre farm in western Jackson County . The Braseltons’ children, Henry, Green, John Oliver, Belle, and Lena , grew up working on the family farm, developing ...

Rebecca Latimer Felton

Birthplace of Rebecca Ann Latimer (1835-1930), daughter of Chas. and Eleanor (Swift) Latimer, pioneer settles at this point on the Decatur-Covington road. Married in 1853 to Dr. William H. Felton, later Member of Congress and a trustee of the University ...

Felton Home

Dr. William H. Felton and his wife, Rebecca Latimer, lived from 1853 until 1905 in the house east of this marker.

A physician, minister and noted orator, Dr. Felton was the leader of the Independent Revolt from the State Democratic Party ...

Powelton Baptist Church

The Powelton Baptist Church, first known as Powell´s Creek Church, was constituted July 1st, 1786, with 26 members by the Rev. Silas Mercer, the Rev. John Harvey, and the Rev. John Thomas. The Rev. Jesse Mercer became pastor of this ...

" Shelton Laurel Massacre "

Thirteen men and boys, suspected of Unionism, were killed by Confederate soldiers in early 1863. Graves 8 mi. E.

Marker is on State Highway 208.

