
Results for Erie

Erie Canal System

The Erie Canal, constructed from 1817 through 1825, created a 363 mile long transportation route through the wildness. The completed canal linked Lake Erie in Buffalo,New York to the Hudson River at Albany.

A series of canals and locks combined ...

Merieult House

The Merieult House on 533 Royal Street serves as the entrance to the Historic New Orleans Collection.

The house occupies land that has been in continuous use since the early days of the colony in the 1720s. The square bordered ...

Gold Discoveries Trigger Stampede

Prospectors found gold in 1895 under the present Canyon Creek Highway Bridge and on Mills Creek. Those discoveries launched a rush to Turnagain Arm more than a year before the Klondike Gold Rush.

Prospectors Poke Around

After gold was discovered near Hope ...

Fort Gibson: Oyster Banks to Batteries

The earliest fort on this site was built in 1794. Great Britain’s navy had been seizing American merchant ships and forcing their sailors into service on British vessels. Congress decided that the nation’s most important harbors should be defended in ...

Pittsburgh and Lake Erie No. 508


The Little Giant:

The Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Railroad, established in 1875, connected the steel centers of Conellsville, Pittsburgh, and Youngstown, Ohio. Only 120 miles long, the P&LE served most of the major industries in the region, providing it the most ...

Miami Erie Canal Mile Stone

These stones were placed at 1 mile intervals. You are here, 116 miles from Cincinnati.

Marker is at the intersection of West Main Street and Water Street, on the left when traveling south on West Main Street.


Erie Extension Canal

Remains of the canal bed may be seen beside the railroad, below the bridge. Less than 2 miles away, this Shenango Line, from New Castle, united with the Conneaut Line, from Erie. The entire canal was in use 1844-1871.

Marker is ...

Fort Erie

Three fortifications occupied this site. The first (1764-1779) and second (c. 1783-1803), located at lower levels, were abandoned when ice and water inundated the works. The third Fort Erie, built between 1805 and 1808, was repaired in January 1814 but ...

Miami and Erie Canal

Ohio Historical Marker

The Wabash & Erie Canal opened between Toledo and Lafayette, Indiana, May 8, 1843. The Miami Extension Canal was completed to Junction, Ohio, on July 4, 1845, linking the Wabash & Erie Canal with Cincinnati and resulting ...

The Portage Path Connected Lake Erie with the Ohio River

The First Americans

You are standing at the North Terminus of the renewed Portage Path, which formed the vital link in the shortest and best water route between the great lake to the north and the rivers flowing south. The trail ...
