
Results for Field of Battle

The Battle of Ridgefield

April 27, 1777

The chief engagement of Connecticut’s only inland battle during the War for Independence was fought approximately 100 yards from this site. Several hundred hastily-mustered militia joined a handful of Continental troops under Generals Benedict Arnold and Gold Stilliman ...

Battle of Ridgefield Dead

In defense of American Independence

at the Battle of Ridgefield

April 27, 1777


Eight Patriots

who were laid in this ground

companioned by

Sixteen British Soldiers

Living, their enemies, Dying their guests,

in honor of service and sacrifice

this Memorial is placed

for the strengthening of hearts.

Marker is on Main ...

Battle of Ridgefield

April 27, 1777

The Third and Chief

Engagement Occurred

on This Ridge

Marker is on Main Street, on the right when traveling north.


Battle of Caulk’s Field

War of 1812

Kent County Militia under Lt. Col. Philip A. Reed marched from Belle Air (Fairlee) to meet British Forces here on August 31, 1814. The British with 15 killed, were repulsed and their commander, Sir Peter Parker, mortally wounded. ...

Battlefield of Bull Run or First Manassas

July 21, 1861. Confederates under General Beauregard defeated Federals under General McDowell. General Jackson given name of “Stonewall” on this field. Generals Bee and Bartow killed. Old stone house used as hospital. This marker erected July 21, 1928.

Marker can be ...

Battlefield of Wyoming

Between 4 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of July 3, 1778, an American force of about 300 men, led by Col. Zebulon Butler, Col. Nathan Denison, Lieut. Col. George Dorrance and Major Jonathan Garrett formed in line of battle ...

Nuns of the Battlefield

Civil War Nurses Memorial

(Upper Inscription):

They comforted the dying, Nursed the wounded, carried hope to the imprisoned, gave in His name a drink of water to the thirsty.

(Lower Inscription):To the memory and in honor of

The Various Orders of Sisters

who gave their ...
