
Results for First Methodist Church

First United Methodist Church


The First United Methodist Church was established August 1, 1880. It was the first church organized in the new settlement of DeLand. Three years later, this building was completed for worship services. It was a simple frame structure with a ...

First Methodist Church

Organized in 1819, this Church is an outgrowth of Grant’s Meeting House, the first Methodist Church building in Georgia, erected 5 miles E. in 1787. In 1820, the Methodists built the first church building in Washington. It was shared by ...

First United Methodist Church of Austin

In 1840, shortly after Austin was incorporated, the Rev.John Haynie (1786-1860), a Methodist circuit rider from the Mississippi Conference, led 14 members in forming this fellowship. They worshiped at temporary sites, including the Capitol building of Republic of Texas. In ...

Original Site of First Methodist Church of Austin

Established in 1840 by the Rev. John Haynie (1786-1860), the First Methodist Church was Austin’s second Protestant congregation. Services were held in temporary quarters until members erected their first meeting house in 1847 at this site, then the corner of ...

First United Methodist Church of Kountze

The town of Kountze developed in the 1880s, after the Texas and New Orleans Railroad was built through this area. The county seat, which had previously been located at the town of Hardin, was moved to Kountze in 1886.

Soon ...

Northport First United Methodist Church

Organized 1837, moved to present location, 1849, where churches have been rebuilt in 1855 and 1913.

The bell of this church sounded the tocsin at the approach of Gen. John T. Croxton’s Union troops in the their raid on Tuscaloosa, April ...

First Methodist Episcopal Church

Side A

The First Methodist Episcopal congregation began building this church in 1869 to replace an earlier church built in 1843. The parsonage was completed in 1886 and the congregation dedicated the completed church in 1887.

The church is Monroe's finest late-Gothic ...

Tuscaloosa First United Methodist Church

Organized 1818 by Ebenezer Hearn. First building on this site erected in 1834 included a church bell moulded in Boston by coppersmiths Paul Revere and Sons. Present structure with marble Ionic columns was constructed 1922; Education Annex in 1953; Chitwood ...

First United Methodist Church of Florence

In 1856, Florence was a small settlement of log cabins and a store or two. It also has a stone building (300 ft. ESE), used as a church and meeting place, on land donated in 1845 by John C. Caskey. ...

First United Methodist Church

Earliest church in Enterprise

Organized in 1883 by 13 charter members as Carmichael Chapel of Elba Circuit, the congregation originally worshipped in a brush arbor on the NW corner of N. Main and Lee Streets. The first two sanctuaries built in ...
