
Results for Lewis

Lewis Brothers Building

This property

has been placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

Arkansas Historic Preservation Program

Department of Arkansas Heritage

Marker is at the intersection of Center Street and Block Avenue, on the left when traveling west on Center Street. ...

Abraham Lincoln Lewis Mausoleum

Pioneer Abraham Lincoln Lewis (1865-1947) and others founded Florida’s oldest African-American insurance company, Afro-American Life in 1901, which spread throughout the South as far as Texas. In 1926, A.L. Lewis opened Lincoln Golf and Country Club where the famous visited, ...

Lewis' Brigade

Breckinridge's Division

Lewis' Brigade, Breckinridge's Division.

Brig. Gen. Joseph H. Lewis.

Nov. 25th 1863.

2nd Kentucky - Lieut. Col. James W. Moss.

4th Kentucky - Maj. Thomas W. Thompson.

5th Kentucky - Col. H. Hawkins.

6th Kentucky - Lieut. Col. W. L. Clarke, (Detached).

9th Kentucky - Lieut. ...

The Lewis Family Pavilion

Dedicated May 3, 2003

The Lewis Family, America's First of Bluegrass Gospel Music, was organized in 1951. The Lewis Family has achieved worldwide recognition as an icon of bluegrass gospel music. From a modest but proud beginning in Lincoln County, the ...

Brigadier General Henry Lewis Benning

Born in Columbia County, Georgia, on April 2, 1814, Henry L. Benning attended Franklin College prior to practicing law in Columbus. As a local attorney and state Supreme Court Judge, Benning played an active role in Georgia’s secession in 1861. ...

Lewiston Hotel


Built by William Burber in 1863, it served as a hotel, bar and stage stop. Originally closer to the river, the hotel burned in 1897 and was rebuilt on its present site in 1899 by Johnny Koll. It continued as ...

Lewis’ Town/Lewiston

Forty-niner Thomas Palmer, bought Cephus Wood’s property, known as “Old Tucker’s Place,” in 1850. In 1851, he built a ferry, a bridge, and numerous buildings. Palmer hired his adopted son, Benjamin Franklin Lewis to run his enterprises, known to many ...

Lewiston Pioneer Cemetery

This cemetery was established in the 1850’s and many prominent early day Lewiston settlers are buried here.

This plaque is dedicated to the miners, farmers and cattlemen who made history in this area.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Goose ...

Congregational Church of Lewiston

The Congregational Church of Lewiston was organized in October 1889. It was incorporated and erected in 1896. Construction was done by a local contractor – Mr. Canfield. The total cost was $750.00. During its early years, ministers traveled from Weaverville ...

Lewis-Manning House


Colonel Tom Lewis, an Atlanta Attorney, built the five-bedroom Queen Anne-style house from bricks made in the pasture behind the house. There are rock foundations under each room. The inside walls are 12 inches thick, there are fireplaces in every ...
