
Results for R

Hilger to James Kipp Recreation Area Missouri Breaks Backcountry Byway

Intrepid Travel: roads are gravel ...


James Kipp Recreation Area

Although steamboats could travel as far up the Missouri Ri...


Reed and Bowles Trading Post

*Adventurous Travel: roads n...


Musselshell River, Montana

The Nez Perce, with the Army behind them, crossed the Muss...


Results for R

Hilger to James Kipp Recreation Area Missouri Breaks Backcountry Byway

Intrepid Travel: roads are gravel or dirt roads. Please be sure your vehicle is appropriate to those conditions. Note that some roads can be impassable during periods of inclement weather.

Major Guido Ilges arrived from Fort Benton with soldiers and ...

James Kipp Recreation Area

Although steamboats could travel as far up the Missouri River as Fort Benton during spring runoff, the lower water of summer and fall meant that Cow Island, near where Cow Creek joins the Missouri River, was the farthest upstream boats ...

Reed and Bowles Trading Post

*Adventurous Travel: roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October- there is no turnaround for large vehivled at the Reed and Bowles Trading Post*

“Major” Alonzo S. Reed and his partner, John ...

Musselshell River, Montana

The Nez Perce, with the Army behind them, crossed the Musselshell River after the skirmish at Canyon Creek (see Auto Tour 7 for a detailed account) and followed Careless Creek northwest to Judith Gap. Although the exact route taken by ...

Broadview, Montana

*Adventurous Travel: roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October*
Laurel to Canyon Creek Battlefield

The main body of Nez Perce was moving up Canyon Creek while their scouts watched from the top of the bluffs as they passed. The warriors who had been in the vicinity of what is now Billings, Montana, were returning ...

Side Trip: Coulson Park, Montana

(4 miles round trip)

At the Coulson settlement, Nez Perce warriors burned a shack and exchanged shots with residents secured in hastily constructed rifle pits. The Nez Perce continued on to near the present town of Huntley before returning ...

Side Trip: Billings, Montana


Riverfront Park and Cochran Ranch

Early on the morning of September 13, with the main party of Nez Perce camped near Canyon Creek, a group of warriors headed south into the Yellowstone Valley to forage for supplies.

Joseph Cochran ...

Laurel, Montana

While most of the Nez Perce crossed the Yellowstone River near Laurel and headed north toward Canyon Creek, a couple of raiding parties followed the Yellowstone River to the small community of Coulson in present day Billings.

They burned some ...

Side:Trip Chief Plenty Coups Memorial State Park