
Results for Railroad

United States Railroad Administration Locomotive

National Historic

Mechanical Engineering Landmark

United States Railroad Administration Locomotive

Atlantic Coast Line Class P-5a 4-6-2 No. 1504 1919

During the World-War I emergency, American railroads were placed under the control of the United States Railroad Administration (USRA). To facilitate ...

The Burlington and Missouri River Railroad


The Burlington & Missouri River Railroad entered Nebraska at Plattsmouth in 1870 and built west to join the Union Pacific at Kearney Junction (now Kearney city) on September 3, 1872. The railroad bridge into Kearney was used for 104 ...

St Louis, Salem and Little Rock Railroad

In 1873 the St Louis, Salem & Little Rock Railroad was completed from Cuba, forty-one miles south, to Salem at a cost of about $1,250,000. It was built to transport iron ore and lead from area mines to market, and ...

Unfinished Railroad

During the 1850s, two local railroads - the Orange & Alexandria and the Manassas Gap - met at Manassas Junction. In order to reach commercial markets near Washington, the Manassas Gap Railroad signed an agreement with its rival to use ...

Oakdale Railroad Depot

Original depot, brought from Peters, California in 1871 was place several feet south and east of present location. It was destroyed by fire. The new depot was built on its current site, adjacent to F Street between railroad tracks and ...

Cape Girardeau and the Railroad

After the golden age of the steamboat, port cities like Cape Girardeau suffered as railroads provided alternate means of transportation.

Responding to the post-Civil War railroad boom, a syndicated of local business leaders formed the Cape Girardeau and State Line Railroad ...

Steamboats and Railroads

Lincoln traveled to Quincy by stagecoach in 1854 after crossing the Illinois River at Naples. Lincoln's first documented visit was to support the Congressional candidacy of Archibald Williams and to attack the Kansas- Nebraska Act and its author, Stephen A. ...

Chuck’s Railroad Room

Westwood Rail Depot

This building was part of the rail station from 1911-1958 of the Southern Pacific Line and was built by the Red River Lumber Company owned by the Walker Family. The Western Union and freight offices were a gathering ...

Humboldt Underground Railroad

On the East Bank [of the Neosho River], escaped slaves traveled through caves and tunnels to secret Underground Railroad stations.

Marker is on 1st Street, on the left when traveling north.


Mount Mitchell Railroad

Opened Black Mountains

to logging and tourism.

Built, 1911-1914. Ran

from point nearby to

Camp Alice, 21 mi. NE.

Marker is at the intersection of Old U.S. 70 and Old Toll Road, on the right when traveling west on U.S. 70. ...
