
Results for St. Joseph

Church of St. Joseph

Established in 1783

by Father Joseph Hunter, S. J.

Maurice McDonough

The eighteenth century merchant who died in 1804 is buried here. He willed his modest wealth to establish free schools for the education of poor children in this section of Charles County ...

The Church of St. Joseph

[Sanctuario di Nazareth]

[Text in Hebrew …]

[Text in Arabic…]

This church was built in 1914 on the site of an earlier 12th century church.

-The caves, granaries and wells in the lower level were used by the early dwellers of Nazareth. Later, Christians ...

St. Joseph's Church

Organized in 1882 by the Rev. Ignatius Jascovich, pioneer Slovak Catholic priest, St. Joseph's is the oldest Slovak Roman Catholic parish in the Western Hemisphere.

Marker is on North Laurel Street, on the right when traveling north.


Honor Roll of St. Joseph’s Parish

Honor Roll of

St. Joseph’s Parish

Rev. Leo Kroner, Pastor


Killed in Action

*Salvick, John J.

*Saferanko, Andrew


Kashak, J.J. •

Beckley, Stephen A. •

Cundra, Joseph J. •

Hama, J. J. •

Dill, J. J. •

Yurovchak, John J. •

Hudak, J. A. • ...

St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Bell

Cast in Sheffield by Naylor Vickers and Co. -1859 – E. Riepe’s Patent no 1027, arrived in Boston 1862 then shipped around the Horn to San Francisco via boat to Sacramento and by six horse team to Forest Hill. Miners ...

St. Joseph County Civil War Monument

[ Front Plaque ]

1861 –––– 1865

In grateful recognition of

the patriotism, services, and

sacrifices of our soldiers in

the war of the Union, we, the

people of St. Joseph County,

have erected this monument.

June 25, 1905

——––– ——–––

“When the years of Earth ...

St. Joseph's Retreat

In 1885 Michigan's first private mental institution was located here under the guidance of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul. In 1855 the Sisters at St. Mary's Hospital in Detroit had begun the care of the mentally ...

St. Joseph’s Church

Originally a mission of Old Bohemia founded March 18, 1765, by Father Joseph Mosley, S.J. Oldest section built 1782, additions made 1848 and 1903. Father Mosley is one of three priests interred under Chapel.

Since 1868, except during wars, annual jousting ...

St. Joseph’s Indian Normal School


Erected by the Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions with funds from Katharine Drexel and operated by the Society of the Precious Blood with federal funds, 60 Indian boys from distant reservations were annually trained here.

Marker is at the intersection of ...

Fort St. Joseph

Built near here in 1686 by the French explorer Duluth, this fort was the second white settlement in lower Michigan. This post guarded the upper end of the vital waterway joining Lake Erie and Lake Huron. Designed to bar English ...
