
Results for The Station

Weather Reporting Station

This structure once housed the Anderson County Airport's Weather Reporting Station. Located across the street where the Civic Center is now and constructed in 1931 at a cost between $5500 and $6000, this building was designed to provide shelter for ...

First U.S. Naval Station In The Pacific

Mare Island Navy Yard was established September 16, 1854, by the then Commander David G. Farragut, USN. Site selected in 1852 by a commission headed by Commodore John D. Sloat, USN.

Mare Island had the Navy's first shipyard, ammunition depot, hospital, ...

Appomattox Campaign (Sutherland Station)

At Sutherland Station, on 2 Apr. 1865, the Confederates made a last attempt to maintain control of the South Side Railroad. Confederate Maj. Gen. Henry Heth organized the defense before returning to the main line in Petersburg. Brig. Gen. John ...

Sutherland Station

Lee's Retreat

Confederate troops formed a battle line along Cox Road to protect the South Side Railroad, but were overwhelmed after three attacks. This engagement enabled Grant’s forces to sever Lee’s last supply line, causing him to abandon Petersburg that night.

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The First Police Station

1863 marked the beginning of the first organized Police Force in the city. The council named a captain and three patrolmen to serve from twilight to daybreak. On this site was located the first city Police Station. It contained three ...

The Federal Signal Station

near this point was captured Oct. 10, 1862 by a detachment of Gen. J. E. B. Stuart's Cavalry. On clear days this station could communicate with stations on South Mountain which relayed messages via Catoctin Mt. to Sugar Loaf Mt. ...

The Voice of America Bethany Station

During the height of World War II, President Franklin Roosevelt turned to the innovative engineers of the Crosley Broadcasting Corporation to build powerful short wave radio transmitters capable of delivering broadcasts overseas. On farm fields near Crosley's WLW facility, six ...

The Battle of Reams Station

The Exposed Position of the Federal Artillery

The first field fortifications were built at Reams Station on July 1, 1864 by soldiers of the Union Sixth Corps while tearing up the railroad following the return of the ill-fated Wilson-Kautz cavalry raid. ...

The Battle of Reams Station

The Petersburg (& Weldon) Railroad

As early as September 1829, business interests in Petersburg wanted to build a railroad between Petersburg, Virginia and Weldon, North Carolina. The railroad would connect the Appomattox and Roanoke river and attract trade away from Norfolk, ...

The Battle of Reams Station

Oak Grove United Methodist Church

In front of you is second location where the original church building stood after the Civil War. The first location was east of here and across the Civil War-era Halifax Road (now Acorn Drive). It was ...
