
Results for Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Pickaway County Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Erected in honor of the men and women who served Vietnam, Vietnam era and to those who paid the supreme sacrifice from Pickaway County.

They answered duty's call when the torch of freedom flickered in the hands of a people ...

Bristol Township Vietnam Veterans Memorial


The Great Indochina War

Bristol Township

Vietnam Veterans Memorial


November 5, 1988

In honored memory of the men and women of Bristol Township who served their country in South East Asia, and to our heroic sons who gave ...

Bedford County Vietnam Veterans Memorial

In honor of the men and women of Bedford County who answered the call

We remember these who lost their lives in service to their country

Darrell Zane Magruder •

Donald Clair Wyles •

Charles E Sivits •

Irvin Grant Weyand • ...

Wentzville Vietnam Veterans Memorial

"Whither Thou Goest I Will Go."

Ruth. 1:16

December 1967

Marker is at the intersection of Pearce Boulevard and Birch, on the right when traveling west on Pearce Boulevard.


St. Paris Korea and Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to the men and women of this community who helped preserve the freedom of all humanity for all ages to come.

Killed in Action


Kermit E. Jenkins

Nelson A. Biddle


Philip L. Grieser

William M. Short

Marker is at the intersection of Jefferson Street ...

Barbour County Vietnam Era Veterans Memorial

This monument and park are

dedicated in sincere appreciation

of all Barbour County Vietnam

era Veterans who served

this great nation -

United States of America

1961 - 1973

Dedicated on May 25, 1987


United States Senator

John D. Rockefeller IV

All gave some - These gave all

Viet Nam War

William ...

State of Kansas Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Dedicated July 4, 1987

Dedicated to those who gave the

ultimate sacrifice for their country

This memorial built by major corporate sponsors including

Coors Brewing Company

The Kansas Coors Distributors Association

and many families and individuals who made this memorial possible

Maintained by

Kansas Operation Memorial

Vietman Veterans of ...

VFW Post 511 Vietnam Veterans Memorial

In Memoriam

To New Britain's Sons

Who Lost Their

Lives In Vietnam

Pedro Cancel PFC. • Richard E. Chabot L/Cpl • Richard W. Roy Sp4

Michael Smith L/Cpl • Paul Thorik Jr. Cpl • Stanley J. Ciesielski Sp4 • Francisco Gregory L/Cpl • Richard Gilbreath ...

New Britain Vietnam Veterans Memorial

In Memory Of The

Vietnam Veterans

From New Britain

Who Lost Their Lives

In Vietnam

Pedro O. Cancel PFC. • Richard E. Chabot L/Cpl • Richard W. Roy Sp4

Michael Smith L/Cpl • Paul Thorik Jr. Cpl • Stanley J. Ciesielski Sp4 • Francisco Gregory L/Cpl ...

Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial

The Philadelphia Vietnam Veterans Memorial is designed to honor those who served in all branches of the United States armed forces during the Vietnam War. The memorial pays tribute to the 80,000 Philadelphia Vietnam era veterans who served our country ...
