
Results for Virginia V

Jamestown, Virginia

England established its first permanent American settlement in Jamestown, Virginia over four hundred years ago. King James told the colonists to find a safe place then, search for gold.

What this first group of men and boys found was a piece ...

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National Historic Landmark - Virginia State (Confederate) Capitol

Designed by Thomas Jefferson and noted French architect Louis Clerisseau, this Greek Revival building served as the State Capitol for 70 years until Virginia seceded from the Union. From July 1861 to April 1865, the Confederate Congress met here. With ...

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National Historic Landmark-Virginia Military Institute Barracks

Formally organized in 1839, VMI has a long tradition of training military leaders. Incorporated into the present structure of this gothic style cadet barracks building, notable among the buildings on the campus, is part of the original barracks wall from ...

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National Historic Landmark - Virginia V (Steamer)

Virginia V is one of two surviving members of the American "mosquito fleet"--the large, unlicensed steamers that worked the inland waters of United States. She was built in 1922 for the West Pass Transportation Company, whose steamers carried passengers, produce, ...

"The West Virginia Coal Miner"

Earl Ray Tomblin President Senate   

    Bob Wise  Governor       Robert S. Kiss, Speaker House of Delegates


By Resolution of the Seventy-Fourth Legislature   


"The West Virginia Coal Miner"

In honor and in recognition of the

men and women who ...

Virginia City National Historic Landmark District

The spectacular gold discovery in Alder Gulch on May 26, 1863, led to the rapid growth of this colorful and legendary gold camp town. Thousands of fortune-seekers rushed to the area, and by 1864 the Virginia City area boasted 30,000 ...

Virginia Indians near City Point

Captain John Smith’s Adventures on the James

This peninsula separated two chiefdoms subject to Powhatan, the Weyanock and the Appomattuck. John Smith's map shows the Appomattuck people, whom Christopher Newport described as initially unfriendly, living in this vicinity. He told of ...

City Point, Virginia

8000 — B.C. Indian occupancy.

1613 Sir Thomas Dale establishes area as “Bermuda Cittie.”

1619 — Name changes to Charles City Point.

1621 — Rev. Patrick Copeland plans to build free public school, financed by the East India Company.

1622 — The Indian Massacre ...

Boundary Line Maryland - Virginia

State line located approximately 100

yards south of this point. In 1668

surveyors marked large Oak trees

to indicate the boundry. These

came to be called "Marriage

Trees" as couples traveled from

Virginia to wed under more lenient

Maryland laws. Boundry stones

were set after 1883 ...

The Virginia Convention of 1788

The Virginia Convention of 1788 met in the Richmond Academy near this spot and ratified the United States Constitution.

Placed by the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities, 1907.

Marker is at the intersection of East Broad Street and College Street, ...
