
Results for Bridge

Blynman Bridge

Blynman Bridge


In Honor Of

Richard Blynman

First Minister and Leading Citizen

Of Gloucester

Who in 1643 Dug This

Canal Uniting River and Bay


Marker is at the intersection of Western Avenue (Massachusetts Route 127) and Perkins Road, on the right when traveling north on Western Avenue. ...

King’s Bridge


Site of

King’s Bridge - 1711


Peacocke Lane (Maple Street)

to Governor’s Lane (Avenue)

Freelove Baldwin Stow Chapter


July 4, 1962

Marker is on Maple Street 0.1 miles west of North Street, on the right when traveling west.

Courtesy ...

Bernabe Mendez Bridge

Salto: Guardaparque Bernabe Mendez

En homenaje a quien fuera muerto el 14 de April de 1968 por cazadores furtivos en el Alto Iguazú cuando defendia el patrimonio natural de la humanidad.

Cuerpo de Guadaparques Nacionales, 09 de Octubre de 1991.

(English Translation)

In ...

Garcés Footbridge

Memorial to Francisco Garcés, explorer and first Franciscan missionary to the Pima village at the foot of Sentinel Peak. In 1770 Garcés and the Pimas constructed at that site the first substantial building in Tucson, a mission residence with two ...

Revolutionary Soldiers and Patriots of Woodbridge

1776 1927

In memory of the Revolutionary soldiers and patriots of Woodbridge, New Jersey

Placed by

Janet Gage Chapter

Daughters of the American Revolution

Marker is on Rahway Avenue near Trinity Lane, on the left when traveling south.


Moore’s Crossing Bridge

This structure was originally part of a six-span bridge across the Colorado River at Congress Avenue in Austin. Constructed there in 1884, it was designed by the King Iron Bridge and Manufacturing Co. of Cleveland, Ohio. In 1910 it was ...

Queen’s Bridge

To the casual observer, there is little to indicate the historical significance of this particular bridge crossing. Yet for at least 240 years it has been an important point in the Raritan Valley and has figured in many events that ...

Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge

[ south side of bridge ]

In Memoriam

Remember Pearl Harbor

Keep America Alert!

To Those

Who Made The Supreme Sacrifice

During The Attack On Pearl Harbor

07:55 AM, 7 December 1941

Dedicated By

The Leopoldville Memorial Association

And The Waterbury Veterans

Memorial Committee On December 7, 1998

[ emblem on the ...

Battle At Rivers Bridge / Rivers Bridge Memorials

Battle At Rivers Bridge

On February 2 ~ 3, 1865, as Gen. W.T. Sherman's

Federals advanced toward Columbia, units of

Gen. F.P. Blair's XVII Corps attempted to cross

the Salkehatchie River at Rivers Bridge. The

Confederate defenders there, in Gen. Lafayette

McLaws's division of ...

Cottonwood River Bridges at Cottonwood Falls

The first major bridge at Cottonwood Falls was a 150 foot long iron truss bridge constructed in 1872. The iron bridge was just west of the present arch bridge.

The present bridge was constructed in 1914 by the Missouri Valley Bridge ...
