
Results for Railroad

Madison's Riverfront / Underground Railroad

[Side A:]

Madison’s Riverfront

Once a bustling commercial and industrial area,

Madison’s riverfront has greatly changed since the

City’s founding in 1809. On these banks stood

factories, mills, hotels and taverns, typical of a

busy river port on the frontier. Annual flooding

has forced the move to ...

Pennsylvania Railroad Stone Bridge

On May 31, 1889, The main main [sic] thrust of the 30-foot wave from the broken South Fork Dam smashed into the hillside to your left, sparing the PRR stone bridge from its full impact. The bridge held, its arches ...

Portage Railroad

Here was No. 5 of the ten inclined planes used to carry canal boats by rail, Hollidaysburg to Johnstown. The road to Lilly follows closely the route of the Portage Railroad over the mountain to Johnstown.

Marker is at the intersection ...

Railroad Station

The railroad came to Mahopac in

1871 and the first station was

built in 1880. By 1930 Route 6

construction moved it to Bucks

Hollow Road, used until 1969.

Mahopac American Legion Post 1080 ...

The Centreville Confederate Military Railroad

These are the remains of the Centreville Confederate Military Railroad built in the fall and early winter of 1861 for the purpose of transporting supplies to the field armies of Generals Pierre G. T. Beauregard and Joseph Johnston. The railroad ...

1883 Railroad Depot

This 1883 Railroad Depot serves as Parke County's Tourist Information Center. All covered bridge tours begin here.

Indiana's Historic Parke County

The Covered Bridge Capital

Marker is at the intersection of East Ohio Street (U.S. 36) and Constitution Street on East Ohio Street. ...

The "Pea Vine"A Ghost Railroad / Parsons A Railroad Town


The "Pea Vine" A Ghost Railroad

In 1886, Tennessee Midland Railway Company was chartered to build a railroad from Memphis to Virginia. By 1889, 135.6 miles of track were completed to Perryville where it ended for lack of funds. In 1892, ...

New Castle and Frenchtown Railroad

Built 1832. One of first railroads in country. Extended from this point to Frenchtown on the Elk River. Important connecting link between the North and South. Absorbed by Delaware Railroad 1856.

Marker is on Delaware Street 0.2 miles south of The ...

Wisconsin Central Railroad

Wisconsin Central Railroad was formally organized in the National Hotel on this site by Judge George Reed and his associates, Feb. 4, 1871. Here the contracts were let for its construction and the first general office was located. The road ...

Melbourne & Atlantic Railroad

Melbourne Beach Historic Site

On this site, in February of 1889, Captain Alfred Wilcox took delivery of a shipment of steel rail that would be used in the building of the Melbourne & Atlantic Railroad. Over the coming months, railroad ...
