
Results for D T

Sangre de Cristos Mountains

In 1848, John C. Fremont was hired to find a railroad route from St. Louis to California. He crossed the Sangre de Cristos into the San Luis Valley in winter, courting disaster but proving that a winter crossing of ...

Star Dune

There are five dunes over 700 feet tall. The "High Dune" on the first ridge is neither the highest in elevation nor the tallest in the park, but it looks that way from the main parking lot. This is ...

Upper and Lower Dogwood Trails

Walking paths have long been a part of Hot Springs National Park and the preceding Hot Springs Reservation. Many informal paths criss-crossed the mountains when Hot Springs Reservation was reclaimed by the federal government in 1878; however, formal trails were ...

Hot Springs Railroad

A narrow-gauge railroad line from Malvern to Hot Springs known as the “Diamond Jo Line” was completed by Jo Reynolds in 1875. Previous method of travel to hot springs had been a 24 mile hike by foot, horse, or carriage ...

Crystal and Pythian Bathhouses

Little is known about African American bathing services during the 1860s and 1870s. In the 1880s black patrons could buy bath tickets at the Ozark Bathhouse, the Independent Bathhouse, and possibly the Rammelsberg Bathhouse on Bathhouse Row, but they were ...

Fordyce Bathhouse

Businessman and railroad magnate Samuel Wesley Fordyce was a key figure in the early development and promotion of Hot Springs as an international spa and resort. He first visited in 1873 seeking a cure for lingering health problems caused by ...

Santa Anna's Surrender

After the battle, General Santa Anna was among the few Mexican soldiers who avoided death or capture. Houston sent scouts to round up the fleeing Mexicans. He realized that if Santa Anna managed to escape he might lead the 3,000 ...

Initial Engagement and Mexican Retreat

A second detachment of Houston's cavalry had been sent to New Washington to reconnoiter Santa Anna's movements. This detachment found the Mexicans had burned the town and were advancing toward Lynch's Ferry. The Mexican Army arrived at site Marker 11 ...

The Approach to San Jacinto and the Encampment

On April 20, a detachment of Texas cavalry reconnoitering the route to Lynch's Ferry captured a flatboat full of provisions, staged for use by Santa Anna's men near the ferry landing. The Texas Army arrived near this spot about 11:00 ...

The Grand Concourse- Bronx

The Grand Concourse was conceived during the height of the City Beautiful Movement as the residential Champs Élysées of the Bronx, a broad promenade intended to inspire harmonious social order through grand design. Designed as a wide, tree-lined thoroughfare with ...
