
Results for Railroad

Site of New York Central Railroad Erector Shop

Site Of

The New York Central

Railroad erector shop where

Engine 999 was built in 1893.

999 was the first creation

of man in the history of time

to Travel 100 Miles per Hour

Marker is on Commerce Avenue, on the right when traveling west.

Courtesy ...

Central New England Railroad

Central New England Railroad

This is the roadbed for a single-track railroad originally running from Hartford to Millerton constructed in 1871. In 1888 the tracks were extended to the Poughkeepsie Bridge, making it the main trunk line across the Hudson River. ...

Shohola Railroad Accident Memorial

(Federal Side):Erected by the

United Statesto the memory of the following soldiers, privates in the Eleventh Veteran Reserve Corps. Comprising the union guard who were killed with their Confederate prisoners of war in the railroad accident near Shohola, Pa., July 15, ...

The Underground Railroad / The Underground Railroad in Pickaway

The Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad was neither underground nor a railroad, but a system of loosely connected safe havens where those escaping the brutal conditions of slavery were sheltered, fed, clothed, nursed, concealed, disguised, and instructed during their journey to ...

Tehachapi Pass Railroad Line

Constructed 1874 – 1876

In front of you is the world famous Tehachapi Loop which is about halfway upgrade to the Tehachapi Pass. This steep line averages 2.2% in gradient in its 28 miles of length. This feat of civil engineering ...

Burlingame Railroad Station

This first permanent building in the Mission Revival style of architecture was designed by George H. Howard and J. B. Mathison and financed by local residents and the Southern Pacific Railroad. It opened for service on October 10, 1894. The ...

The Railroad & The Vernoy Quarry

The High Bridge Branch of the Central Railroad of New Jersey

Opened in July 1876, the High Bridge Branch was once a busy railroad owned by the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey. It was built to bring iron ore ...

The Wright House and the Underground Railroad/Old Main Street

The Wright House and the Underground Railroad

In the early 1800s, Jabez Wright, an early Huron County judge, purchased a large tract of lakeside land on the north side of what is now Cleveland Road. There Wright built an eight-room farmhouse ...

Michigan Central Railroad Depot

Built in 1886, and conceived by Frederick Spier, the design of this granite block building was influenced by the Romanesque style of the great American architect Henry Hobson Richardson. The massive arch and two-foot thick walls are balanced by simple ...

Sound Beach Railroad Station

Built 1892, moved to this location 1895. Renamed Old Greenwich Railroad Station 1931. Has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places by the United States Department of the Interior.

Marker can be reached from Sound Beach Avenue.

