Vestal's Gap Road in the 1800s

In 1814 due to the British advance on Washington, it was deemed wise to remove the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and other valuable state documents to a safe place. They were transported across Chain Bridge into Virginia. The ...

First Baptist Church, Columbia MS

In 1883, Pastor T.S. Howell from Bunker Hill Church in rural Marion County, and six local believers met at the courthouse to organize a Baptist church within the city limits of Columbia. Early meetings were held in the courthouse, the ...

Riverdale School

A holiday crowd gathered on this spot July 4, 1895, to celebrate the dedication of the first Riverdale School built by the Riverdale Park Company, developers of the new suburb of Riverdale Park. The two-room building, measuring 28 by 60 ...

Henry Phickney Hammett


[West Inscription]

This monument

is erected by the


Manufacturing Company

in commemoration of

Henry Phickney Hammett

its originator and for

eighteen years its

President and Treasurer

[South Inscription]

Born December 31, 1822

Died May 8, 1891

[East Inscription]


The George Ellicott House

This house was built in 1789 by George Ellicott, a Quaker, who was a miller, surveyor, merchant and astronomer. He was friend and advisor to America's first black man of science, Benjamin Banneker, who visited here. He also entertained Chief ...

Russell Flats School

Built in 1867, this one room rural school has served as the center of community life in Russell Flats for over 130 years. Constructed by Scotch - Irish settlers who arrived here in the early 1850s, the school has also ...

Gas Station

A gas station has stood on this site since the opening of the town in 1937. Notice that the rounded glass facade is gone from the original building and that a garage has been added on the right side. Initially, ...

Battle Mountain

Custer’s Early “Last Stand”

(Preface): After Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee’s stunning victory at Chancellorsville in May 1863, he led the Army of Northern Virginia west to the Shenandoah Valley, then north through central Maryland and across the Mason-Dixon Line ...

Kingston Parish

Kingston Parish was established about 1652. During colonial times, the Anglican parish administered the ecclesiastical and some civil affairs for the inhabitants of the area that later became Mathews County. The principal parish church is believed to have been located ...

Mathews County Confederate Monument


Our Confederate Soldiers

In memory of the

Soldiers and Sailors

of Mathews County Va.

Erected by the

Lane Diggs camp C.V.

and the Sallie Thompkins

Chapter U.D.C.

Marker is at the intersection of Church Street (Virginia Route 611) and ...
