
Results for Railroad

Menlo Park Railroad Station

This building, constructed in 1867 by the San Francisco and San Jose Railroad Company, is the oldest railroad passenger station in California. The Victorian ornamentation was added in the 1890s when the station was remodeled to serve the newly-opened Stanford ...

Railroad Block-house

On Allatoona Creek in this vicinity, a Federal block-house, guarding State R.R. bridge, was garrisoned by Companies E, F, and I, of the 18th Wisconsin Regt.

Oct. 5, 1864, while retreating from Allatoona, 2 mi. N., French’s Div. of Stewart’s A.C. ...

Muskingum River Underground Railroad / Marietta Leaders of the U

Muskingtum River Underground Railroad

People living in Marietta and along the Muskingum River shared a history of slavery opposition. Manasseh Cutler, from Massachusetts and an Ohio Land Company agent, helped draft the Ordinance of 1787 that prohibited slavery in the Northwest ...

Haines City Railroad Depot

This property has been

placed on the

National Register

of Historic Places

by the United States

Department of the Interior

Marker is on Park Place north of Jones Avenue (Main Street).


Central Railroad of NJ Employees

New Jersey Central

Jersey Central Lines


the employees of

the Central Railroad

of New Jersey

1849 – 1976

Dedicated by the Central Railroad of New Jersey Veteran Employees Association

Marker is on Audrey Zapp Drive, on the right when traveling east.


Underground Railroad Route

Escaping slaves traveling to Canada on the Covington Route crossed the road here on their way to meet LeRoy's conductor, Daniel McDonald, known as the "Medicine Man." His station was near the Keeney Road Cemetery.

Marker is on Keeney Road 0.1 ...

The Spotting Tower and Railroad Warehousing

Ridgefield, Connecticut

The Small, White Octagonal Building on the corner was originally built as a boathouse on the estate of F.E. Lewis. It was moved behind the high school on East Ridge during World War II, and used as a ...

Tonopah and Tidewater Railroad Shops

Seeking a more efficient way to get borax from his mines on the east side of Death Valley to processing facilities near Los Angeles, and hoping to tap the booms at Rhyolite, Tonopah, and Goldfield, Nevada, Francis Marion Smith built ...

Zephyrhills Railroad Depot

The Atlantic Coast Line Railroad (ACLR) Depot was built in 1927 and was used as a station/depot for passenger service and for shipping citrus, produce and other goods, thereby stimulating economic development and residential settlement. Railroad stations served as major ...

North Carolina Railroad

Built by the State, 1851-56, from Goldsboro to Charlotte. Eastern terminus a few yards N.

Marker is at the intersection of Ash Street (U.S. 70) and Center Street, on the right when traveling west on Ash Street.

