
Results for Veterans Memorial

Clay County Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to

the veterans of

Clay County who so

unselfishly served

and to those who

died in defense

of their country

Let it be said

“We will never forget”

Left Panel

List of World War I, World War II and Korean ...

The Hostess House War and Veterans Memorial

[Several veterans memorials are located at the base of the flagstaff in front of the Hostess House.]

Side A:

1861 – 1865

McKinley Post

Number 187

Dept. of Calif. And Nev.

Grand Army

of the Republic

Veterans of the Civil War

Organized in Palo Alto

January 21st 1905

There are at ...

Blackwater Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to All Veterans

Past Present & Future

WWI • WWII • Vietnam

Harold Dean Waller • Vietnam

James Paul Barton • Vietnam

John Wesley Dial • World War II

Aubrey Embrey • World War II

Glenn Alley • World War II

Charles H. Schuster • World War ...

Pickaway County Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Erected in honor of the men and women who served Vietnam, Vietnam era and to those who paid the supreme sacrifice from Pickaway County.

They answered duty's call when the torch of freedom flickered in the hands of a people ...

Ellsworth County Veterans Memorial

In memory of those who gave

the supreme sacrifice


in honor of all who answered

their country's call

[Roll of Honored Dead]

They gave all of their tomorrows

for your today

Dedicated Memorial Day

May 28, 2001

Marker is at the intersection of Kansas Avenue and 1st Street, on ...

Fairfield County Veterans Memorial

For God and Country

we dedicate this memorial

in loving memory of our

veterans, friends, and

relatives who have

served their country so

we may continue to

enjoy freedom and a


Duty, Honor, Country

Dedicated November 11, 1985

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street (U.S. 22) and ...

Caroline Veterans Memorial

"For Those Who Fought For It, Freedom Has A Taste The Protected Will Never Know."

(back of marker) A project of H.E.L.P. Bowling Green with the generous support of: Citizens of Caroline, E.M. Gray & son, Dr. Cathie Butterworth, Rappahannock Electric ...

St. Paul's Lutheran Church Veterans Memorial

This memorial is dedicated

to the 65 members of

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

who served our country

in World War I and

in loving memory of

Edward Lohman

who gave his life for our country.

This memorial is dedicated

to the 175 members of

St. Paul's Lutheran Church

who served our ...

Bristol Township Vietnam Veterans Memorial


The Great Indochina War

Bristol Township

Vietnam Veterans Memorial


November 5, 1988

In honored memory of the men and women of Bristol Township who served their country in South East Asia, and to our heroic sons who gave ...

Concordia Veterans Memorial

In memory of those

who served in the

Civil War

Spanish-American War

World War.

Marker is on Main Street (Missouri Route 23) near SW 6th Street, on the right when traveling south.

