Lanesville Outbuildings

Homes in the 19th century typically had several outbuildings. Barns stabled horses and other animals, tenant houses lodged farm hands, wells supplied water, and, of course, the "necessary," or outhouse, was a must. One of the most significant outbuildings on ...

Charles G. Garrett Interchange

Named in 1985 by action

of the General Assembly

and Highway Commission

in recognition of his

many years of devoted

service to the people

of Greenville County

and of the state

Former Mayor, Fountain Inn


House of Representatives



Second Officer's House

The Second Officer's House or Quarters B is believed to contain elements of an existing eighteenth century farmhouse. Erected as a simple two and one-half story Federal style brick house late in 1801, the Second Officer's House may have incorporated ...

John Lang Sinclair

(November 26, 1879 - January 4, 1947)

In 1899, John Lang Sinclair became a student at the University of Texas (UT) in Austin. The first UT band was formed in 1900 and Sinclair, possessing an aptitude for music, joined it ...

Mono Mills


[The kiosk at Mono Mills displays a number of history panels that collectively illustrate the history of the Bodie Railway and Lumber Company.]

[Panel 1]

The Need for Wood

Rich in Gold, Poor in Wood

Bodie, situated in the ...

Lanesville Families

The Lanesville House has been home to just two families during the 212 years that it was occupied. Lane family descendants lived here for 162 years, from 1779-1941. Dr. Claude Moore purchased the house and land in December, 1941, and ...

Santee National Wildlife Refuge

This land...

inhabited by Native Americans.

This site, once occupied by Native Americans, was a major ceremonial

center for the surrounding area. The Santee Indian mound is typical of

pyramidal, flat-topped mounds that are widely distributed throughout

the eastern United ...

The George Washington Masonic National Memorial

Let prejudices and local interests yield to reason. Let us look at our national character and to things beyond the present period.

—George Washington

(Left Plaque) This classic sculpture commemorates the 50th Anniversary of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial. ...

Cradwick Building

Between 1889 and 1891, John Cradwick developed this large two-story block, possibly utilizing prior one story structures already present on the three-lot site.

Born in England in 1829, John Cradwick settled in the Winters area in 1875 where he farmed ...

Putnam Family Library / Belpre Farmers' Library

As a shareholder of the United Library Association in Pomfret, Connecticut, General Israel Putnam amassed a large collection of books, which was called the Putnam Family Library. The collection was divided among his heirs after his death in 1790. His ...
