New Mecklenberg

The land on which Marysville was founded originally was leased in 1842 to Theodore Cordua a Prussian emigrant, by John A. Sutter. Named for his homeland, Cordua established a trading post and stock ranch on the Calif.-Oregon Trail to serve ...

Old Telegraph Line

One of the first telegraph lines in the world, a part of the Washington–New Orleans Telegraph Company, was built from Washington to Petersburg in 1847. From this the road took its name.

Marker is at the intersection of Richmond Highway ...

Underground Railroad Crossings / Near Border War

Underground Railroad Crossings

Underground Railroad crossings, agents, and conductors were common along the Ohio River between Washington County, Ohio and Wood County, Virginia. At Constitution, six miles upriver from Belpre, Judge Ephraim Cutler listened for hoot owl calls that signaled ...

Underground Railroad Station

36 Lispenard Street

On September 3, 1838, human-rights activist Frederick Douglass escaped slavery in Maryland by disguising himself as a sailor and traveling North by carriage, train and boat. A few days later he arrived at 36 Lispenard Street, then ...

Optical Tower - Second Officers House

Optical Tower

Rising behind the First Officer's Quarters is the Optical Tower built in 1918-19 to calibrate optical equipment, particularly range finding instruments, made in the Yard. From the tower, sightings were taken on the United States Capitol, the Washington ...

The Herris Stone

This stone's original inscription was Heare lyes bodey of Livt Willeame Herris who died May 16 : 1698 : aged : 065 years : By birth a Britaire : a good soldier a good husbnd & kinde : neighbour. Mr. ...


The remains from 29 graves were brought here from the Wagener family cemetery at Stisted, their plantation on the Occoquan River near Colchester. The Second Peter Wagener (1717–1774), Clerk of the Fairfax County Court (1752–1772), served as a Vestryman and ...

Davis Hotel

Local Historical Site

A rooming house and a brothel until the late 1960’s owned an operated by

Anne Davis

A great lady of the community and a generous donor to those in need.

Marker is on 1st Street west of ...

Indian Attack

To the east, on Dogue Neck, "Certain Unknown Indians" attacked the house of Thomas Barton about 3:00 P.M. on Sunday, 16 June 1700, killing eight persons with "arrowes & Wooden Tommahawkes." The neighboring Piscataway Indians denied making the attack and ...

POW / MIA Soldiers from Waterbury

(Center):In memory of the


Soldiers from Waterbury

who bravely served our nation

in all conflicts.

You Are Not Forgotten!

(Left):Sgt. Victor J. Choinere U.S. Army

DoB Nov. 1931 – Date MIA Nov. 1950

Cpl. Dennis Rush U.S. ...
