
Results for Veterans Memorial

Veterans Memorial Bridge

Moorhead, MN and Fargo, ND

Red River of the North

Marker is on U.S. 10.


Bloom Township War and Veterans Memorial

In honor of the men of Bloom Township

who entered the service of their country to fight in the World War 1917-1918

Ralph Hickle

[Died in Service]

[Honor Roll of Veterans]

Erected as a lasting tribute to the men and women of this community who ...

Wisconsin Veterans Memorial Highway

A living memorial to and in honor of all Wisconsin veterans living and deat, of all wars in which the United States of America has engaged. Color guard of the 8th Wisconsin Infranty Regiment with Old Abe at Vicksburg, Mississippi, ...

Veterans of the American Revolution Memorial Bridge

A living memorial to and in honor of veterans who are buried in Wisconsin who served this nation in the American Revolution and who, by their efforts, were responsible for the founding of our country.Veterans of the American Revolution

After the ...

Telfair County Veterans Memorial


Dedicated to the Telfair

Countians who died in defence

of our country in its last

five wars.

They died that others

might live free


US Navy US Army US Marine Corps

US Airforce US Coast Guard

(Left Panel)

World War I Vietnam

18 Names 15 Names

Korea Lebanon

8 Names ...

North Hampton Veterans Memorial

In memory of those who served God and Country.

[Post 4358 Veterans Panel on Memorial]:

Post 4358

Gerald Armstrong •

George Armstrong •

Harry Baker •

James Baker •

Robert Donnelly •

Glen Fuller •

Robert Fuller •

Howard Grieser •

Clarence Gruse ...

Ridgefield Veterans Memorial

Center Panel: Honor Roll

World War II and Korean War Action

“Into the Mosaic of Victory,

These Priceless Jewels Were Set”

In Supreme Sacrifice

World War II

Acocella, Charles •

Bell, William P. •

Birarelli, James J. •

Blume, Robert ...

Clarendon County Veterans Memorial

(South Carolina)

Emblem: American Legion

US Coast Guard - US Merchant Marine

Dedicated to the Memory of

all members of

the Armed

Services who

gtave their lives

in service of

their county

and to all

members of the

Armed Services

who served their

country in

time of need

Left emblems:

Department of ...

Civil War Veterans Memorial

[G.A.R. seal]

In memory of


Neenah Veterans

who served in the

Civil War

1861 – 1865


Erected by

C.B. Clark Circle

Ladies of the Grand

Army of the Republic


Marker is on Lakeshore Avenue 0.2 miles north of Wheeler Street, on the right when traveling north.


Hilliard Veterans Memorial


in honor of

George E. and Iva F.


Dedicated Nov. 11, 2000

In memory of those

who served their

country during

the time of war

Marker is at the intersection of Grace Street and Lattimer Street, on the left when traveling ...
