Altaville Grammar School

This brick building, erected in 1858 with funds raised by a dance in the Billiard Saloon of the N.R. Prince Building (which still stands), is one of the oldest schools of California. Used as a school until 1950, it was ...

Battle of Cricket Hill

On the shore here General Andrew Lewis, commanding the Virginia forces, erected a battery facing a stockaded camp on Gwynn's Island established by Governor Lord Dunmore, July, 1776. The fire from this point, Cricket Hill, damaged the camp and the ...

Formation of the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center

On September 8, 1960, President Dwight Eisenhower formally dedicated the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, as a new field installation of the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) organization that had resulted from the Army transfer ...

Old Presque Isle Lighthouse

Presque Isle Harbor is one of Lake Huron's safest harbors of refuge. Its name comes from this peninsula which, translating from the French, is "almost and island." Indians and Frenchmen portaged across the peninsula to avoid several miles of open ...

Gunston Hall

Gunston Hall, four miles to the east, is one of the most noted colonial places in Virginia. The land was patented in 1651 by Richard Turney, who was hanged for taking part in Bacon's Rebellion in 1676. In 1696 the ...

Confinement of Jefferson Davis

In this casemate Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, was confined, May 22-October 2, 1865. As his health suffered in the casemate, he was removed to Carroll Hall in the fortress, where he remained from October, 1865, until May, ...

Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace

President Theodore Roosevelt was born here on October 27, 1858, and lived here until he was 15. The house, a typical brownstone of the 1840s, was restored in 1923 and opened as a museum.

Marker is on East 20th Street ...


Colchester, founded in 1753 at the location of a ferry crossing, was the second town established in Fairfax County. Located on the main post road from Boston to Charleston, and at the end of the Ox Road leading west to ...

Bellefonte Cemetery / Town of Bellefonte


Before the courthouse was completed, the community selected a location for a cemetery. The highest elevation in Bellefonte's corporate limits was chosen as the town's burial place. The earliest inscribed marker in Bellefonte Cemetery bears the date 1826.

The ...

White's Ford

A Civil War Crossing and a Desperate Escape

During the Civil War, White's Ford on the Potomac River was employed by Confederate troops on three separate occasions. Lee's troops crossed here in their invasion of Maryland, September 4-7, 1862. General ...
