
Results for Bridge

Chinworth Bridge

Built 1897 across Tippecanoe River by Bellefontaine Bridge and Iron Company of Ohio. Single-span 140-foot iron bridge is last remaining Pratt through truss bridge in county. U.S. Highway 30 bypassed it in 1924. Closed to vehicle traffic 1975. Leased by ...

Great Bridge Marshall Memorial

Fauquier County, Virginia

Officers of the Culpeper Minute Battalion

At the Battle of Great Bridge

Major Thomas Marshall (1730-1802)

Member, 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Virginia Conventions

Colonel, 3rd Virginia Regiment

Colonel, Virginia Sate Artillery Regiment

Member, Virginia General Assembly

And his son

Lieutenant John Marshall (1755-1835)

Captain, 11th Virginia ...

Huntington's Ford and First Bridge

Pioneers forded Little River From Charles Street diagonally across just below the Island to the Court House. A dugout canoe, when hailed, carried pedestrians across for 50 cents. Reportedly Indians had used this ford when traveling to The Forks. The ...

Sixteenth Street Bridge

Historic Landmark

Sixteenth Street Bridge

H.G. Balcom, Engineer;

Warren & Wetmore, Architects

Marker is on Sixteenth Street 0.1 miles north of Smallman Street, on the right when traveling north.


Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Bridge


Built by the City of Appleton

as a lasting monument to

the memory of the soldiers

and sailors of the Civil,

Spanish-American and World Wars.



The above plaque dedicated

the original Memorial Drive

Bridge. This monument is

intended to serve as a

continuing remembrance.



Marker is on South Memorial Drive ...

World War Memorial Bridge

Named and dedicated Oct. 31-1921

to the memory of all persons

from Franklin County who

served in the World War

Marker is at the intersection of Broad Street (U.S. 40) and Washington Boulevard, on the right when traveling west on Broad Street.


Jan Peeck Bridge

Named to commemorate the place where Jan Peeck, Dutch trader, 1940-1950 met Indians to trade for furs.


Battle at Meadow Bridge

Forcing a Crossing

On May 12, 1864, this crossing of the Chickahominy River was the scene of a sharp engagement between Union and Confederate cavalry The previous day, Gen. Philip Sheridan and his Union troopers fought and defeated Gen. J.E.B. Stuart ...

History - Main Street Bridge

[ Right Panel ]

First Bridge at this site a three span wooden toll bridge erected in 1865. Purchased by Tippecanoe County in 1871.

Second Bridge, a steel three span bridge erected in 1889. Rendered useless by the flood of March 18, ...

The Bridge Over 4th of July 1804 Creek

This stream was named by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark when they stopped at the present site of Atchison, Kansas on July 4, 1804. The following is an excerpt from Clark's logbook:

" this creek has no name, and this being ...
