The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial

At this site will be erected the Martin Luther King, Jr .Memorial. The memorial will embody the man, the movement and the message. It will honor this 20th century visionary who brought about change through the principles of nonviolence and ...

Jefferson Davis

Late on May 8, the night before his arrival at this site, Mr. Davis and his party had camped in Abbeville (26 miles NE), unaware that pursuit was close behind. Their pursuers, the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry (US), Lt. Col. Henry ...

Lord Sholto Douglas

Within these walls, on Jan. 22, 1896, Lord Sholto Douglas, theatrical entrepreneur, and son of the Marquis of Queensbury of Pugilistic fame, was initiated into the mysteries of ECV. Though Douglas went on to riches, subsequent publicity of his initiation ...

Kill Devil Hills

"...the sand fairly blinds us. It blows across the ground in clouds. We certainly can't complain of the place. We came down here for wind and sand, and we got them."

Letter from Orville Wright to Katharine Wright, October 18, ...

Lock Keeper’s House

Formerly the eastern terminal of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. Erected about 1835. The canal passed along the present line of B Street in front of this house emptying into Tiber Creek and the Potomac River.

Marker is at the ...

The Archives of the State

New Jersey maintains offices all across the State in support of the business of government. The very first of these facilities, the offices of the Secretary of State and the Clerk of the Supreme Court, was situated on this spot ...

Browns Valley: 1850 – 1860

Browns Valley was an early stage stop and mining town sporting 5 hotels and 24 saloons. Freight wagons and mule trains loaded with supplies came up from Marysville with enormous loads of supplies destined for the mines and lumber camps ...

The Hand of the Aggressor

The hand of the aggressor

is stayed by strength -

and strength alone.

Dwight David Eisenhower

[ Lower Marker : ]

The words inscribed on the tablet above

are from a speech made in London in 1951.

Presented by the ...

The Washington City Canal

Completed in 1815, the canal extended east of this point along the line of Constitution Avenue and south around the Capitol with branches leading into the Anacostia River.

Marker is on Constitution Avenue (U.S. 50) near 17th Street, NW, on ...

The Auroraville Fountain

?The Auroraville Fountain has been providing water to this community since just after the Civil War. The land surrounding Auroraville is abundant in natural springs called artesian wells. In 1867, John Keneister of Auroraville bored this natural spring well in ...
