
Results for Veterans Memorial

American Legion Post #23 Veterans Memorial

In memory of the Leavenworth area

men and women who served

in their country's wars

"O honor those who gave their

todays for our tomorrows."

Marker is at the intersection of 7th Street and Olive Street, in the median on 7th Street.


Seaford Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to the memory of those Seaford community veterans who died in the defense of our country.

World War I

Thomas Penington, Lewis A. Taylor, Frank C. Quails, Kemp Wright, Albert H. Waller


Vernon L. DeShields, Charles F. Wright, Irvin M. Tindall


James L. ...

Hardman Veterans Memorial Park

A living memorial to the Veterans of Osborne County who served so valiantly in all wars, that you, who enjoy these facilities in peace, may pause for thought and meditation on the sacrifices they made to insure your right to ...

Osborne County Veterans Memorial

All Gave Some • Some Gave All

Dedicated to all veterans

who called Osborne County


Marker is on Main Street near 4th Street, on the left when traveling west.


Barbour County Vietnam Era Veterans Memorial

This monument and park are

dedicated in sincere appreciation

of all Barbour County Vietnam

era Veterans who served

this great nation -

United States of America

1961 - 1973

Dedicated on May 25, 1987


United States Senator

John D. Rockefeller IV

All gave some - These gave all

Viet Nam War

William ...

Southington Veterans Memorial

[ south side ]

This Tablet Is Dedicated To Those Brave Men From

The Town Of Southington Who Served The United

States In The Revolutionary War, The War Of 1812,

The Mexican War And The

Spanish War

Revolutionary War 1775 – 1783

Oliver Adams • Charles ...

Union County Veterans Memorial

In memory

of those in

Union County who

gave their lives

in defense of

our country during

World War I

World War II

Korean Conflict

Vietnam War.

Marker is on East Main Street.


Malta Veterans Memorial

Dedicated to all those who have served

World War II 1941-1946

Korea 1950-1955

Vietnam 1961-1975

"Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind"

John F. Kennedy, United Nations, 1961

Marker can be reached from the intersection of Main Street ...

Forest Lawn Veterans Memorial

Dedicated November 11, 2006 to the men and women of Franklin County Ohio that served our country bravely and honorably so our freedoms endure.

The sacrifices of few ensured the freedom of many. A grateful community remembers those who served in ...

Community Service and Veterans Memorial


This monument honors the citizens of Doylestown Township and surrounding Central Bucks municipalities who through public service and volunteerism have devoted themselves to the betterment and welfare of their communities as well as those who have fought in wars ...
