
Results for Railroad

The Underground Railroad / Black Conductors of Columbus

The Underground Railroad was neither underground nor a

railroad, but a system of loosely connected safe havens

where those escaping the brutal conditions of slavery

were sheltered, fed, clothed, nursed, concealed, disguised,

and instructed during their journey to freedom. Although

this movement was one of ...


The CSX Railroad runs trains on

the east coast from Maine to

Florida & west to Chicago. It leases

its tracks on the other side of the

river to Amtrak for nationwide

passenger service, as well as to

Metro-North for commuters between

Albany & NYC. You can ...

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Station

Built 1883 - 1884

E. Francis Baldwin, Archetect

Presented to the Town of Sykesville in 1989 by Douglas F. and Marhta C. Crist

and Farm and Home Service, Inc.

Restored by the Town of Sykesville in cooperation with the

Maryland Historical Trust.

Marker is on W. ...

Untitled (Georgia Railroad and Banking Company)

2200 feet to the southwest at a place indicated by a marker of the Georgia Historical Commission, Georgia Railroad and Banking Company on May 21, 1837 operated the first railroad in Georgia. It is the oldest railroad in Georgia continuously ...

Underground Railroad Station

36 Lispenard Street

On September 3, 1838, human-rights activist Frederick Douglass escaped slavery in Maryland by disguising himself as a sailor and traveling North by carriage, train and boat. A few days later he arrived at 36 Lispenard Street, then ...

Underground Railroad Crossings / Near Border War

Underground Railroad Crossings

Underground Railroad crossings, agents, and conductors were common along the Ohio River between Washington County, Ohio and Wood County, Virginia. At Constitution, six miles upriver from Belpre, Judge Ephraim Cutler listened for hoot owl calls that signaled ...

Laurel Railroad Depot

Built by The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad in 1884, this "American Queen Anne" structure continues in daily use. The architect, Francis H. Baldwin, also designed the rear wing of the State House in Annapolis.

The building was placed on the ...

The Georgetown Branch Railroad

The Capital Crescent Trail follows the route of an old railroad line called the Georgetown Branch of the Baltimore and Ohio (B&O). It's all that remains of an unrealized attempt by the B&O to construct a major rail link between ...

L&N Railroad Bridge


The railroad bridge over the Green River stands a quarter mile to the southwest. Constructed 1857-59 by engineer Albert Fink, the bridge was at the time the largest iron bridge in the United States, with a total length of ...

The Railroads


Columbus entered the railroad era on February 20, 1850 when owners William Neil and Alfred Kelley brought the first trains on the Columbus and Xenia Railroad, spanning the Scioto River with a wooden trestle. The line provided service from ...
