
Results for War Memorial

Soldiers' & Sailors' World War Memorial

Dedicated to the brave sons of South Dakota who gave their lives to preserve liberty.

Anno Domini MCMXXX

Marker is on East Capitol Avenue.


Delaware Memorial Bridge

1951 — 1968

South Span — Dedicated August 16, 1951

North Span — Dedicated September 12, 1968

Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey dedicated these bridges on September 12, 1968 to the men and women of the State of Delaware and the State of ...

Secaucus World War II Memorial

In loving memory

of our war dead

These members of the

United States Armed Forces

gave their lives in World War II

to preserve us a free nation

Franklin D. Roosevelt

President of the United States

Armondo A. Alvino • Thomas G. Blondel • Howard Bokel ...

Secaucus War Memorial

For God and Country

in memory of

Joseph Hassenforder,

who made the supreme sacrifice

and in honor of the boys of


who served their country

in the World War

1917 ––– 1918

Erected by the citizens

of Secaucus, N.J.

[ Lower plaque ]

Raymond Frank Schopmann ...

North Branford World War II Memorial

1941 1945

To Honor The Memory Of

The Men of The

Town of North Branford

Who Gave Their Lives

In World War II

Robert B. Hart • George Gardner • Alexander Panko • Michael Panko • Donald Williams • Richard E. Lewis

Marker is at the intersection ...

World War II Memorial


Side 1 A-D

Dedicated to the memory of the 129 men from Lauderdale County (listed on these four panels) who sacrificed their lives in the defense of our Nation during World War II:

Robert F. Adams •

Aubrey H. ...

World War I Memorial Trees

On February 20, 1919, a row of memorial trees was planted along the east side of what was then Seminary Street (now Harrison Entrance) on city property fronting two new State Normal School dormitories. These trees were planted in honor ...

World War I Memorial

Dedicated to the following heroes who sacrificed their lives in the defense of our Nation during World War I.

Adams, Jesse • Agnew, Jesse • Alexander, John C. • Brewer, William Calvin • Burks, Tommie • Couch, William A. • William ...

Pike County Twentieth-Century War Memorial

Dedicated to the Glory of Almighty God in memory of Pike County men and women who by their unselfish patriotism have advanced the American ideals of liberty and the universal brotherhood of man.

World War I 1917-1918

World War II 1941-1945

Korea 1950-1953

Vietnam ...

Vietnam War Memorial

The following men from Lauderdale County made the supreme sacrifice for our Nation during the War with Vietnam:

Jimmy Rex Ball •

Chadwick McFall Barber •

Howard Wayne Bramlett, Jr. •

Paul O'Neal Brown •

Edward Lee Brock •

Roger ...
