
Results for Baltimore

Peale's Baltimore Museum

A pioneer art historical and scientific museum.

Erected 1818 by Rembrandt Peale.

Gas lighting demonstrated june 13 1816.

Occupied as city hall 1830-1875.

Rembrandt Peale


Distinguished Maryland artist, naturalist and technologist founded the first gas company in America June ...

National Historic Landmark - Peale's Baltimore Museum

Has been designated a

Registered National

Historic Landmark

Under the provisions of the

Historic Sites Act of August 21, 1935.

This site possesses exceptional value

in commemorating or illustrating

the history of the United States

U.S. Department of the Interior


Baltimore Battery


Baltimore Battery

Jackson's Division


The battery, under

the command of Capt.

J.B. Brockenbrough,

occupied a position

near this marker at

daybreak, and opened

the battle on the Confederate side.

The monument to the

Maryland troops is

near the Dunkard


Marker can be reached from Dunker Church Road / Old Hagerstown Pike, on ...

The Baltimore Battery

The Baltimore Battery (Confederate) fired from this spot into the Union forces in the Cornfield. It included a 12-pounder iron howitzer (like the small gun before you), the only one of its kind among the 500 cannon at Antietam.

Marker can ...

Baltimore Riot Trail

Barricade at Jones Falls Bridge

(Preface): On April 19, 1861, Confederate sympathizers attacked the 6th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment as it changed trains en route to Washington, which the secessionists hoped to isolate. To learn more about the Baltimore Riot, the ...

Baltimore Riot Trail

Flag Waving at Fawn Street

(Preface): On April 19, 1861, Confederate sympathizers attacked the 6th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment as it changed trains en route to Washington, which the secessionists hoped to isolate. To learn more about the Baltimore Riot, the ...

Baltimore Riot Trail

Combat on Pratt Street

(Preface):On April 19, 1861, Confederate sympathizers attacked the 6th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment as it changed trains en route to Washington, which the secessionists hoped to isolate. To learn more about the Baltimore Riot, the city’s role ...

Old Post Office - Baltimore

This structure, designed by James A. Wetmore and completed in 1932, is the second post office to occupy this site. Erected at a cost of $3.3 million, the neo-classical building, with its marble halls and paneled court-rooms, contained the most ...

The Great Baltimore Fire

On Sunday morning, February 7, 1904, a spark ignited blankets and cotton goods in the firm of John E. Hurst and Company, which stood between Hopkins Place and Liberty on the south side of German (now Redwood) Street. Flames leapt ...

Baltimore Riot Trail

"Keep back ... or I Shoot"

Baltimore - A House Divided

On April 19, 1861, Confederate sympathizers attacked the 6th Massachusetts Infantry Regiment as it changed trains en route to Washington, which the secessionists hoped to isolate. To learn more ...
