
Results for Civil War Memorial

Delaware County Civil War Memorial

In memory of the soldiers and sailors of Delaware County, Ohio, who served in the War of 1861 to 1865

“Their heroic valor ensured our lasting peace”

Marker is on Sandusky Street, on the left when traveling north.


Civil War Torpedo Boatmen Memorial

In Memory of

The Supreme Devotion of Those Heroic Men

Of the Confederate Army and Navy

First in Marine Warfare

To Employ Torpedo Board

1863 - 1865

Moved by

The Lofty Faith That With Them Died

Crew After Crew


For Enterprises of Extremest Peril

In the Defenses of Charleston Harbor


Of ...

Dubois County Civil War Memorial

[ Battle Names - Around Top of Memorial ]

Antietam • Chickamauga • Gettysburg • Vicksburg

[ Front Panel ]

Yield not to grief the tribute of a tear,

But ‘neath the fore-front of a

specious sky,

Smile all exultant, as they smiled at ...

Orange County Civil War Memorial


Presented by the Government

to Williamson Post No. 364, G. A. R.,

and by the Post to Orange County,

in Memory of Her Soldiers of

1861 - - - 1865

Marker is at the intersection of Court Street (West Side) and West ...

Cumberland County Civil War Memorial

In honor of the soldiers of Cumberland County who fell in defense of the Union during the Great Rebellion.

This monument is created by those who revere Patriotism and wish to perpetuate the Memory of the Brave Men, who aided in ...

Fayette County Civil War Memorial

Honoring those who served

during the Rebellion of 1861-1865

It is believed that this statue

was placed in this cemetery

between 1905 and 1913.

Following a partial

restoration in 1995 by Irene

Grim Looker, National

President of the Ladies of the

Grand Army of the Republic, it

was totally restored ...

Poughkeepsie Civil War Memorial


[ west side ]


To the Patriotism of the Men of

Dutchess and Columbia Counties

Who served in the 128th Regiment

in the Civil War 1861 – 1865


Till the fame of our fathers

Has melted away,


Montgomery County Civil War Memorial

The Memorial of

Montgomery County to her Soldiers.

Dedicated July 31, 1884.

"The Federal Union

Must and Shall be Preserved"

The Republic Rests on the

Virtue, Intelligence and Patriotism

of its Citizens.

"Liberty and Union,

Now and Forever, One and Inseparable"

Marker is on Main Street (Ohio Route 48), in ...

Civil War Memorial


[ Top Section ]

Civil War Cemetery

On this site, 1861 - 1865, are buried several hundred Union and Confederate Soldiers. Killed in the Western Campaign. Lack of interest from distant families allowed deterioration of the wood grave markers ...

Alexander Post No. 158 G.A.R. Civil War Memorial

In Memory of

Our Dead


They Stood Shoulder

to Shoulder

in Defence of

Our Country.

“With malice

toward none, with

charity for all,

with firmness

in the right.”

Erected by Alexander Post

No. 158 G.A.R.

Dep't of

Ohio 1884

