
Results for D T

Side Trip: LaDuke Picnic Area, Montana

August 31, 1877 - Nez Perce and military clash...


Side Trip: Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming

August 31, 1877 - Tourist Richard Dietrich is ...


Side Trip: Blacktail Deer Creek, Wyoming

Emma, Frank, and Ida Cowan were escorted out of the Park b...


Side Trip: Indian Pond and Pelican Creek, Wyoming

August 26 - Nez Perce camp at Indian Pond...


Madison Junction, Wyoming

August 23 - Nez Perce camp near tourists<...


The Nez Perce Reach the Madison River

After spending one day at Henry_s Lake, the Nez Perc...


Results for D T

Side Trip: LaDuke Picnic Area, Montana

August 31, 1877 - Nez Perce and military clash at Henderson ranch

“The Indians came up behind the house, got the horses out of the corral, set fire to the house, and went back to join ...

Side Trip: Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming

August 31, 1877 - Tourist Richard Dietrich is killed

Several members of the Radersburg party and all members of the Helena party who escaped at Otter Creek found their way to Mammoth Hot Springs. The wounded man, Jack Stewart, was ...

Side Trip: Blacktail Deer Creek, Wyoming

Emma, Frank, and Ida Cowan were escorted out of the Park by Lieutenant Schofield’s detachment, and traveled home by way of Bozeman, Montana. All nine of the Radersburg tourists had survived their encounter with the Nez Perce. However, they did ...

Side Trip: Indian Pond and Pelican Creek, Wyoming

August 26 - Nez Perce camp at Indian Pond

The main band of Nez Perce camped another night around Indian Pond, just north of Yellowstone Lake. Oral histories recount how there were so many traveling in this group that many ...

Madison Junction, Wyoming

August 23 - Nez Perce camp near tourists

On the night of August 23, a group of tourists camped in the Park became worried about the Nez Perce moving through the region. However, a scout assured the tourists that they ...

The Nez Perce Reach the Madison River

After spending one day at Henry_s Lake, the Nez Perce departed on August 22. They crossed the 7,072 foot Targhee Pass and descended to the Madison River. They then began a journey through the Yellowstone wilderness, an area revered by ...
