
Results for Erie

The "Short Level" of the Miami and Erie Canal

To the left is the "Short Level" of the Miami and Erie Canal. The canal extension from Dayton to Toledo was completed in 1837. Linking the Great Lakes to the Ohio River. Travel took only five days to Toledo and ...

Miami and Erie Canal

Lock 24

Ohio Dept. Natural Resources

Division of Water

Miami and Erie Canal

Lock 24

Jennings Creek

.8 mile Lock 23 ->

Marker is on North Main Street 0.2 miles south of Gessner Road.


Start of the Miami and Erie Canal

1825 - 1929

In emulation of those who, July 21, 1825,

here began the building of the

Miami & Erie Canal,

this Ohio property was rededicated

November 2, 1929, to its original purpose -

transportation, with the confident hope

that ...

Erie RR Station

1st station used 1843-1896 This bldg, Romanesque style built 1896, George E. Archer, Architect. This RR station served passengers thru 1983

Marker is on Depot Street just west of North Street, on the right when traveling west.


View Toward Batteries Robinett and Williams

A Look at Civil War Corinth

Looking northwest in this view along the right-of-way of the Memphis & Charleston RR, you can see the earthworks of Battery Williams to the left of the tracks. Battery Robinett lies in the distance to ...

Menhaden Fisheries

Lewes Maritime History Trail

Menhaden, a small bony, oily fish was pursued

not to be eaten but to be pressed for its oil and

ground into fertilizer. Lewes' fisheries began in

1883 and reached their zenith in 1953 when the

docks ...

The African ~ American Experience

Marker Front:

African~Americans played a very significant role in the early history of Courtland. Most came as slaves from the older southern states to help clear the land, to plant crops of cotton and corn, and to serve as household domestics. ...

Wabash and Erie Canal

Completed from Lake Erie to Evansville, 1853. Used till 1865. Passing from 5th St. to 1st Ave., canal widened into basin for docks covering part of this square.

Marker is at the intersection of NW 5th Street and Vine Street, ...

Wabash and Erie Canal Completed 1853

The approximately 460 mile canal from Toledo, Ohio, to Evansville, Indiana, was the longest canal built in the United States. Here a section constructed above the natural land surface to prevent flooding and erosion, remains intact.

Marker is on Indiana Route ...

Wabash and Erie Canal


( At Top - - Canal Map & Points of Interest )

Here is a section of the Wabash & Erie Canal still visible in Gibson County. Construction of the approx. 460 mi. canal. The longest in North America. ...
