
Results for Hampton

Site of Hampton High School

1911 1954

Built 1911, by Town of Hampton.

Given to Hampton County 1925,

to become part of the county's

first public school system.

Closed 1954, upon consolidation

of district schools.

Building razed 1957.

This marker dedicated to our

school days, our teachers

and classmates.

Marker is on Mulberry Street W., on ...

Captain Kimberly Hampton

Dedicated to the memory of

Captain Kimberly Hampton

August 18, 1976 - January 9, 2004

United States Army

OH-58 Helicopter Pilot

Fallujah, Iraq

Who gave her life in the service of her country.

Marker is on North 1st Street.


Hampton County

Established February 18, 1878, once a part of Beaufort District. It was named in honor of Wade Hampton. Lieutenant General C.S.A., Governor of South Carolina, 1876-79. United States Senator, 1879-91. Cornerstone of courthouse laid by Gen. Hampton, Oct. 12, 1878.

Marker ...

Hampton's Brigade, Stuart's Cavalry Division


Hampton's Brigade, Stuart's Cavalry Division.

Brig. Gen. Wade Hampton, Commanding.


1st North Carolina Cavalry,

2nd Carolina Cavalry,

Cobb's Legion, Georgia Cavalry

Jeff. Davis Legion.

September 17-18, 1862.

Hampton's Brigade reached the field on Sept. 17 and took position on the left of Jackson's Command. Occupying with Lee's ...


First town west of Genesee River organized here 1797

Ebenezer Allan Home 1786

Peter Shaeffer Farm 1789

Terminus Pioneer R.R. 1838

Marker is on Main Street (New York Route 383) 0.2 miles west of Rochester Street (New York Route 383), on the left when ...

Hampton Roads

World’s Largest Natural Harbor

Preface: Newport News was a small community located in Warwick County until late in the 19th century. Established as a town in 1880, it was incorporated as a city in 1896. Warwick County, one of the eight ...

North Hampton Veterans Memorial

In memory of those who served God and Country.

[Post 4358 Veterans Panel on Memorial]:

Post 4358

Gerald Armstrong •

George Armstrong •

Harry Baker •

James Baker •

Robert Donnelly •

Glen Fuller •

Robert Fuller •

Howard Grieser •

Clarence Gruse ...

Headquarters, Hampton Roads Port of Embarkation, U. S. Army

The splendid natural harbor of Hampton Roads served the nation as a military port of embarkation in the Spanish American War and two World Wars. In World War 1, headquarters were set up at Newport News on July 11, 1917, ...

The Hampton Roads Golf And Country Club

First in Virginia & One of the First 100 in the Country

The Hampton Roads Golf and Country Club was established in 1893 on undeveloped land purchased for speculation by Mary Frances Armstrong in 1888. This site today would extend from ...

Hampton Roads – World’s Greatest Harbor

Historical Events Passing the Shores of Olde Wythe

The body of water before you, named Hampton Roads, is one of the world’s biggest, deepest, natural harbors. It is formed at the mouths of the James, Nansemond and Elizabeth Rivers and empties ...
