
Results for Honor Roll

Perry County Indiana Honor Roll Memorial

In memory of Perry County Veterans who gave their lives for their Country

* * * Spanish American * * *

Albert Hemphill

* * * World War I * * *

[ Row One ]

Albert Bauer • Eugene Bolin • James Bolin • ...

Orange County Revolutionary War Honor Roll /

Pioneer Mill Stones

[ Bronze Plaque ]

Soldiers and Patriots of the American Revolution Buried in Orange County.

(Row One) - - Thomas Atkinson • Joseph Bolling • William Case • William Chandler • Ephraim Dailey • George Duncan • Robert Hall • ...

Revolutionary War Honor Roll - Spencer County

In Honor of the Revolutionary Soldiers buried in Spencer County Indiana

(Row One) - - Thomas Blair • David Chancellor • Lodowich Davis • Abraham Hornbeck • James Jones • Thomas Jones

(Row Two) - - Zachariah Briant • William Kelly • ...

5th Ward Honor Roll

To Honor Those Men

And Women Of The Fifth

Ward Who So Valiantly

Served Their Country

In World War II

Dedicated Sept. 3, 1946

Adams, W. • Adriance, H. F. • Ahrens, H. S. • Aide, H. • Allen, C. ...

First Avenue Honor Roll

First Avenue

Honor Roll

Dedicated to the Men of The

United States Armed Forces

Who Gave Their Lives In

World War II, So That

Democracy Might Live

Joseph J. Bosta

Thomas A. Kishel

George A. Mascola

Pacifico A. Migliore Jr.

John B. Murray

Parker L. Smith

Francis W. Snyder

William F. Weiler

Dedicated April 30, ...

Floyd County Honor Roll & Veterans Memorial


[[ Left Panel ]]

Honor To our Civil War Veterans

( - - Art Work - - )

[[ Center Panel ]]

In honored memory of Floyd County men who gave their lives for our Country

Dedicated by

Hobart ...

Wallingford World War II Honor Roll

1941 Honor Roll World War II 1945

[ The seven bronze tablets list 2,090 names. The names listed below have a star indicating they did not return ]

Arujo, Joseph J. • Bailey, John W. Jr. • Bartholomew, Harry L.J • Blaski, ...

Floyd County World Peace Honor Roll

In honored memory of Floyd County

Servicemen who sacrificed their

lives for World Peace

SGT. Christopher K. Hilgert U.S. Army

• Aug. 8, 1993 • Somalia

SGT. Steven P. Mennemeyer US. Army

• Aug. 8, 2006 • Iraq

Dedicated by: Hobart ...

Washington County Honor Rolls Memorial

The following twenty-one (21) honor roll memorials are arranged as one single ‘marching army in review.’ They are arrayed east to west (starting from the side-walk stairs) in a chronological order (from the American Revolution and ending with Vietnam War.)

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Fairfield Honor Roll

Fairfield Honor Roll

In Honor of the Men and Women who Have Served In

World War I World War II Korea Vietnam Persian Gulf

[ far left panel ]

Korea [ 559 names listed]

[ left panel ]

World War I [ ...
