Results for Jefferson Davis
Bratton House Site / Jefferson Davis's Flight
Bratton House Site
Robert Clendinen, Yorkville lawye...
Jefferson Davis
The President of the Confederacy held two meetings of his ...
Jefferson Davis
On May 4, 1865, Jefferson Davis arrived in Washington, Geo...
Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Davis
of th...
Burt-Stark House / Jefferson Davis’s Flight
Burt-Stark House When Jefferson Davis, President of the Co...
Jefferson Davis Memorial State Park
On May 4, 1865, Jefferson Davis arrived in Washington, Geo...
Jefferson Davis Memorial State Park
On the night of May 9, 1865, Jefferson Davis, with his fam...
Dickison and His Men / Jefferson Davis' Baggage
(Front side)
Dickison and His Men
John Jackson...
Jefferson Davis
Late on May 8, the night before his arrival at this site, ...
Confinement of Jefferson Davis
In this casemate Jefferson Davis, President of the Confede...
Results for Jefferson Davis
Bratton House Site / Jefferson Davis's Flight
Bratton House Site
Robert Clendinen, Yorkville lawyer and South Carolina Senator from York Disrict (1816-30), purchased this land in 1813. The house which he built here before his death in 1830, was acquired in 1847 by Dr. James Rufus Bratton, a ...
Jefferson Davis
The President of the Confederacy held two meetings of his cabinet, April 12-13, 1865, at the home of J. T. Wood, which was a few yards N.
Marker is at the intersection of South Elm Street and West McGee Street, on ...
Jefferson Davis
On May 4, 1865, Jefferson Davis arrived in Washington, Georgia (178 miles NE), where he performed his last duties as President of the Confederate States of America. Soon thereafter, with a small staff and escort, he departed enroute to the ...
Jefferson Davis
Jefferson Davis
of the
Confederate States
of America
On this spot
May 10, 1865
President Jefferson Davis
was made a
prisoner of war
by Federal troops
Erected by the
State of Georgia
Eugene Talmadge, governor
in the year 1935
Sponsored by Mary V. Henderson
Chapter and the Georgia Division
of the United Daughters of the
Burt-Stark House / Jefferson Davis’s Flight
Burt-Stark House When Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederacy, left Richmond after its fall in April 1865, he traveled south, trying to reach and rally the remnants of his army. On May 2, he spent the night at the home ...
Jefferson Davis Memorial State Park
On May 4, 1865, Jefferson Davis arrived in Washington, Georgia (178 miles NE of the Park), where he performed his last duties as President of the Confederate States of America. Shortly thereafter, with a small staff and escort, he departed ...
Jefferson Davis Memorial State Park
On the night of May 9, 1865, Jefferson Davis, with his family and a small escort, enroute south to avoid a screen of Union cavalry attempting to intercept him, reached the site of the present Jefferson Davis Memorial State Park ...
Dickison and His Men / Jefferson Davis' Baggage
(Front side)
Dickison and His Men
John Jackson Dickison (1816-1902), Florida's famous Civil War guerrilla leader, bivouacked at Camp Baker, south of here, during the closing weeks of the conflict. Dickison and his men became legendary figures. As Company H, Second Florida ...
Jefferson Davis
Late on May 8, the night before his arrival at this site, Mr. Davis and his party had camped in Abbeville (26 miles NE), unaware that pursuit was close behind. Their pursuers, the 1st Wisconsin Cavalry (US), Lt. Col. Henry ...
Confinement of Jefferson Davis
In this casemate Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, was confined, May 22-October 2, 1865. As his health suffered in the casemate, he was removed to Carroll Hall in the fortress, where he remained from October, 1865, until May, ...