
Results for Lewis

Lewis and Clark State Park

On the 4th of July of 1804, the Lewis and Clark expedition stopped at an oxbow lake created by the Missouri River in present day Rushville, Missouri. The explorers dubbed it Gosling Lake due to the number of young waterfowl ...

Lewis and Clark State Park

Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s historical journey across North America was the first time a group of explorers catalogued and studied the topography, animals, and nature of the newly purchased Louisiana Territory. Travelling primarily by a wooden keelboat through the ...

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Lewis and Clark Caverns

In Jefferson County, Montana sits a 160-acre area with a massive limestone and stalactite rich cave. Originally discovered in 1895 by D. A. Morrison, of Whitehall, Montana, the site became the Lewis and Clark National Monument in 1908.

Unfortunately, it ...

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Lewis and Clark Pass

During the winter 1806, Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark made preparations for their return trip to Saint Louis. They decided to split the Corps of Discovery into two groups in order to find a more efficient route back to ...

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National Historic Landmark-Lewis Miller Cottage

National Historical Landmark-Chautauqua Institution Lewis Miller Cottage

The Chautauqua Institution flourished in the last quarter of the 19th century, contributing to the democratization of education through summer programs, and expanding to include a home study program and a press.

Miller, a co-founder, ...

Lewis and Clark Expedition, Camp Dubois

Near here at Camp Dubois, the Lewis and Clark Detachment spent the winter of 1803. They left on May 14, 1804, ascending the Missouri River to its source.

Lewis and Clark crossed the Great Divide reaching the Pacific Ocean on ...

Lewis Bank

Founded in 1856 by B.C. Lewis as a private banking business, the oldest bank in Florida has grown with the city and section, in size and services rendered. Since its founding, sons have followed fathers in the profession.

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Lewis and Clark in Kentucky - Danville

In December 1806, William Clark, coleader of the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Pacific Ocean, visited his nephews in school in Danville. Clark was en route to Washington to report to President Jefferson and other government officials about the ...

From Lewis and Clark to the Future

Change came slowly to Spirit Mound after 1804. For 55 years the area remained the land of the Yankton Sioux, with fur traders conducting business from posts on the Missouri. The tallgrass prairie continued to thrive as it had for ...

Lewis and Clark Were Here...and Here...

The Missouri National Recreational River preserves two splendid segments of the free-flowing, once unpredictable "Big Muddy." These natural-appearing reaches are reminiscent of the river as reported in the journal pages of captains Lewis and Clark and four other members of ...
