
Results for Lewis and Clark

Lewis and Clark Campsite

July 30 - August 2, 1804

On July 30 the explorers arrived at the bluff where Fort Atkinson would be built less than two decades later. Clark wrote, "The Situation of this place which we Call Council Bluff which is handsom ...

Lewis and Clark Campsites

August 3 and 4, 1804

On August 3 Lewis and Clark held a council with the Oto and Missouria Indians at a site they named "Council Bluff," near present Fort Calhoun, Nebraska. It was the first of many councils they would ...

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

In 1804-06, Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led about 40 soldiers and boatmen on an epic journey. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned this “Corps of discovery” to find a route to the Pacific Ocean through the newly acquired Louisiana territory. ...

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

In 1804-06, Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led about 40 soldiers and boatmen on an epic journey. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned this "Corps of Discovery" to find a route to the Pacific Ocean through the newly acquired Louisiana territory. ...

Lewis and Clark

In 1803, Meriwether Lewis led the corps of discovery, 11 men on a keelboat, though Beaver County. They stayed overnight about 3 miles west of Beaver and stopped in Georgetown. This visit was commemorated by a reenactment in Rochester and ...

The Lewis and Clark Expedition Across Missouri

"Groops of Shrubs covered with the most delicious froot is to be seen in every direction, and nature appears to have exerted herself to butify the Senery by the variety of flours [flowers] Delicately and highly flavered raised above the ...

The Lewis and Clark Expedition Across Missouri

On Nov. 23, 1803, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark arrived at Cape Girardeau, a trading post established in 1795 by Louis Lorimier, the Spanish-appointed Commandant of the Cape Girardeau District. Here, Lewis, co-commander of the expedition, left the keelboat to ...

Lewis and Clark in Missouri

Missouri was a beginning and end for the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Planned by President Thomas Jefferson and carried out by the two captains and a large crew, the expedition is a keystone American event. When the United States took ...

Lewis and Clark in Illinois

On November 27, 1803, Meriwether Lewis, William Clark and their party camped on Horse Island, just opposite this place at the confluence of the Kaskaskia and Mississippi Rivers. The next morning, Lewis left them to travel by land. Clark and ...

The Lewis and Clark Expedition

In 1804-06, Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark led about 40 soldiers and boatmen on an epic journey. President Thomas Jefferson commissioned this "Corps of Discovery" to find a route to the Pacific Ocean through the newly acquired Louisiana territory. ...
