
Results for Methodist Episcopal Church

Mount Pleasant African Methodist Episcopal Church

Organized in 1867, the first church building was a wood-frame structure constructed on a site purchased from Charles Brush. That building was replaced by a brick structure in 1887 which was destroyed by fire in 1903.

The present building, a ...

Sylvania African Methodist Episcopal Church

In the mid 1800s African Americans worshiped with white parishioners at Moss Hill Church. Sylvania AME Church was established as the community's African American church a few miles from Moss Hill.

Its deed was signed in county records in 1902. ...

St. Paul's African Methodist Episcopal Church

On land purchased in 1866, a small wooden structure served as the St. Paul's AME Church for 74 years.

The building of a second, larger wooden structure led to the church as it exists today. The current sanctuary was constructed ...

Mason Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church

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In spite of small numbers and being welcomed by the mostly white congregation of First Methodist Episcopal Church, African Americans in Findlay in the 1880s wanted to express their faith in ways that best reflected their freedoms and traditions. ...

Methodist Episcopal Church


Inc. March, 1835. Original

Church Erected 1836, Present

Edifice Built 1868. Rev.

S. Coleman, First Pastor.

Marker is on Main Street (U.S. 20), on the right when traveling west.


John Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church

The National Register

of Historic Places:

John Wesley

Methodist Episcopal


Marker is on East Court Street near Falls Street.


Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church

The National Cathedral of African Methodism

Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) Church was founded in the District of Columbia in 1838. It is the oldest A.M.E. church and the oldest continuously black-owned property in Washington, D.C. - the Nation's Capital. The ...

St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church

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Free blacks and former slaves organized an African Methodist Episcopal congregation in Corydon by 1843. In 1851, church trustees purchased land in Corydon in order to build a church and for school purposes. In 1878, church trustees purchased land ...

Kingwood Methodist Episcopal Church

Founded 1816,

the first Methodist Church

in Hunterdon County.

Building erected in 1860.

Steeple removed in 1878

after a severe storm

Marker is on Kingwood-Stockton Road (County Road 519), on the right when traveling south.


Wayman Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church

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The first African American congregation and first African American Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church in Dayton trace their roots back to the early 1830s. They were organized by Father Thomas Willis and a small group of faithful men and women. ...
