
Results for R

Results for R

Bridger, Montana

At this point the Nez Perce were only a few hours ahead of Colonel Sturgis, camped on the Yellowstone River. The Nez Perce had long hoped they might find refuge with their old friends, the Crow, but it was evident ...

Belfry, Montana

On the evening of September 11, General Howard was camped on the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone River just a few miles south of Belfry when he was finally joined by a frustrated Colonel Sturgis. According to a witness, “[Sturgis ...

Clarks Fork Canyon

*Adventurous Travel: roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October*

Troops throughout Montana had been alerted to the movements of the Nez Perce, an all out effort was assembled to converge from ...

Dead Indian Campground

The site of Dead Indian Campground has always been a popular camping area just as it was for the Nez Perce and the scouts that sought them that September.

“On the 10th we came to a ...

Sunlight Picnic Area Side Trip

*Adventurous Travel (2.8 mile round trip): roads not recommended for motor homes or vehicles towing trailers; usually passable from July to October *

This quick little side trip affords the traveller a chance to see Sunlight Creek up close. Though the ...

Crandall Creek Bridge and Sunlight Creek Bridge, Wyoming

General Howard’s troops took the Lodgepole Trail from Crandall Creek and probably crossed Sunlight Creek about 5 miles upstream from here. Colonel Sturgis, however, could not find a trail leading from the Park and was convinced that the immediate country ...
