
Results for The Station

The Battle of Reams Station

The Petersburg (& Weldon) Railroad

As early as September 1829, business interests in Petersburg wanted to build a railroad between Petersburg, Virginia and Weldon, North Carolina. The railroad would connect the Appomattox and Roanoke river and attract trade away from ...

The Historic St Simons Light Station

Surley the most important aspect of

the lighthouse to the mariner is the light

that emanates from the tower. The tall, white

beacon also serves as a day-mark. The light,

a 1,000 watt electric bulb, is reflected by a

fixed 3rd Order Fresnel Lens

manufactured ...

The Lincoln Highway - Gardiner Station Section

The Lincoln Highway Association was founded in 1913 to promote a coast-to-coast, toll- free automobile route. The Lincoln Highway, which followed existing roadways through thirteen states, was dedicated on October 31, 1913. The route was marked by the letter "L" ...

The Battle of Brandy Station

The Race for Fleetwood Hill

Here the old Carolina Road crosses the southern part of Fleetwood Hill, some of the highest ground in the area. On the slope ahead of you Maj. Gen. James Ewell Brown (J.E.B.) Stuart, commander of Robert ...

The Battle of Brandy Station

The Struggle for Fleetwood Hill

After Col. Wyndham's assaults, Col. Judson Kilpatrick's Federal brigade crossed the Orange and Alexandria Railroad and stormed Fleetwood Hill from the southeast. The fight for Fleetwood Hill - a classic cavalry battle fought on horseback - ...

The Battle of Brandy Station

Rooney Lee's Fighting Retreat

The Federal forces of Brig. Gen. John Buford, Brig. Gen. David Gregg, and Col. Thomas Devin (whose command held the area around St. James Church) had almost encircled the Confederates, though none of the Union commanders had ...

The Battle of Brandy Station

The Stone Wall on the Cunningham Farm

Failing to break through Maj. Gen. J.E.B. Stuart's Confederates at St. James Church, Brig. Gen. John Buford swung his force north and west to turn the Confederate left flank. Confederate Brig. Gen. William Henry ...

The Battle of Brandy Station

Buying Time on the Beverly Ford Road

Both Union and Confederate armies used horse artillery to assist cavalry. When firing erupted at Beverly Ford on the morning of June 9, 1863, Major Robert F. Beckham's battalion of Confederate horse artillery (16 ...

The 14th Corps at Lumpkin's Station

On Dec. 3, 1864, after a hard march across Buckhead, Rocky Beaver Dam and Rosemary creeks from camps N. of Birdsville and W. of Buckhead Church, the 14th Corps [US], Maj. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis, [US] (less Baird's division) camped ...

The Battle of Brandy Station

Surprises at the Crossing

Rivers and river crossings played an important role in many Civil War battles, including the Battle of Brandy Station. A mile northwest of this spot is the site of Beverly Ford, where the cavalry of both the ...
